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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#19325  by Citizen Evil Druid - 2/21/2005 4:01:43 PM

aww, so you were seeing your part of the galaxy already. No wonder it no big deal to your game.

#19326  by Citizen PassingBye - 2/21/2005 5:02:17 PM

Purpose of the save reload is just to get the freighters there quicker. I usually trade techs for a few and build the rest

I don't build freighters at all any more unless I am way out at the edge of the map. Then I buy the five I need. I never research anything that lets me have more than 5 trade routes anyway.

#19327  by Citizen Chipperoo - 2/21/2005 5:13:16 PM

I build ALL my freighters and usually am able to research up to conglomerates. The reason that I don't trade for freighters is that I'd rather save the tech's I have for bait to get others. And Trade Infrastructure and Conglomerates are highly valued by the AI.

Further, the freighters that I send out often pass other ships (discovering thier presence), allowing me contact and trade opportunities sooner.

BTW, !MOOB, lost 493 points, oh well.

#19328  by Citizen Evil Druid - 2/21/2005 5:41:27 PM

I trade for them. I end up with more frieghters then I can use that way.

#19329  by Citizen Cetane - 2/21/2005 6:25:18 PM

I trade for them. I end up with more frieghters then I can use that way

I can never seem to get to know all the races quick enough for my liking. That is why I usually have ot build a few. The ones I trade for get sent back to start a route with the origional owner. Once I get 7 freighters I stop. 1 for each race is all I need. If I get techs later on I rush buy 1 or 2 if it is feasible and I can recoup the cost before 2190. I have several anomoly packs from the library so after a little exploring... I usually have 7-9 trade routes by the snd of the game. Also depends on the tech tree I use to. Any more than 5 planets and I fall behind the reasearch curve and am always trying to catch up. After the initial first four, I go straight down the line. Only skip deflectors and interstellar tactics(mod I think) until it says I can complete them next month. I can usuallf find all 7 races before Feb 2179. As soon as I find one I start trading techs like crazy. I trade for every thing except ship techs. They want to much for those. I don't bribe to warm or friendly until one race goes to cool. Once that happens I dump 5-6 techs on them. No particular techs. What ever I see on the screen listed, starting at the top. The AI's love me long enough for me to reasearch 10-12 more techs. Usually 2 months each. Once I have those 7 freighters I go to 18% Social 88% Reasearch. I rush by Virtual Reality Modules always. And Frictionless Clothing when I can trade up for the techs it requires. Once I have all the trade goods I want, Diplo Trans, Aphro, Grav Accel, Harmony Crystals, Micro Repair, Nano Recorders(if I can trade for tech Teracomputers which rarely happens) and Ultra Spices. I never have a problem getting all of those trade goods except VRM and FC so thats why I buy those. Jan 2190 I will have 30K-50K BC and atleast a few techs te others don't have. Cough up all the tech, 3 TG and 3k BC for 50mos, click alliance w/ a TG or 2, move on to the next one.

My game is modded to the hilt so I am not sure what is real game and what I have added. Maso 60k can be done in 25min. My average game 35-40 min including set-up, submission, and the BOOM.

#19330  by Citizen Evil Druid - 2/21/2005 7:41:07 PM

I altered Reasearch inc to remove the PQ bonus and increased sensor range. I can see my sector plus 2 sectors in every direction. If I don't see at least 3 yellow stars I restart. Purpose of the save reload is just to get the freighters there quicker. I usually trade techs for a few and build the rest.

If I wanted to do this to, what would I do. I took a look in side the file. You have to changed what to what.

#19331  by Citizen Cetane - 2/21/2005 7:59:27 PM

Hmmmm. I did something really wrong. I went back to change stellar cart back to normal. Only it still shows as already researched. Banking center is no longer available. Advance Quality control and about 15 other advance techs are available too. Looks like an uninstall/reinstall for me. Back in a couple hours.

ED. Use GCwriter(I don't know how to do it with notepad). click on data and mods for both AP and GC. Edit Pol Parties. Zoom to Reasearch Inc. Click Edit, edit this file. Change to desired attributes. edit, commit changes, edit, write to file. You will have your altered party. Start a new game. If it open and plays normal w/ your new atributes oyu are okay. If you get a CTD you need to lower the attributes by re-adjusting your atributes with gcwriter.

#19332  by Citizen Evil Druid - 2/21/2005 8:31:58 PM

Hmmmm. I did something really wrong. I went back to change stellar cart back to normal. Only it still shows as already researched. Banking center is no longer available. Advance Quality control and about 15 other advance techs are available too. Looks like an uninstall/reinstall for me. Back in a couple hours.

Chief you mean you did not back up the file before playing with it Slap in the face with Newfy's cod.

#19333  by Citizen Cetane - 2/21/2005 9:31:11 PM

Thanks I needed that. Reloaded every thing. All techs back normal. Game play is still different though. Keep a hold of that cod incase I need another.

Tweak Time...

#19334  by Citizen Weyrleader - 2/21/2005 10:03:49 PM

BOOM! for 5K+ points.

#19335  by Citizen Evil Druid - 2/21/2005 10:55:23 PM

better then a moob

#19336  by Citizen Chipperoo - 2/21/2005 11:20:57 PM

Yes, that's why I had to go for seconds...


#19337  by Citizen Evil Druid - 2/21/2005 11:31:59 PM

BOOM Oh yah, now its moving the right direction.

#19338  by Citizen Evil Druid - 2/22/2005 12:23:52 AM


#19339  by Citizen Chipperoo - 2/22/2005 1:09:19 AM

Yes, we're feeling it tonight!!!

BOOM! That one's for the foundies!!

BTW congrats to whomever it is that nailed them with all those spitballs to the head (The new logo)!

#19340  by Citizen Evil Druid - 2/22/2005 3:28:07 AM

Better aim then the old roygun

#19341  by Citizen PassingBye - 2/22/2005 12:50:12 PM

BTW congrats to whomever it is that nailed them with all those spitballs to the head (The new logo)!

What, you guys aren't aware of the new psionic neutralizing gun that Weyr developed? It has a homing device built into every anti-psionic pellet that seeks out the psionic brain emanations that come from the Yor roY. The idea is to slow down and short circuit their psionic brains so that the only thing they can do is serve beer. These new devices are avaiable next to the Weyr Yor Armor Butt Protectors in the Claw. Help your self. Every time you see a foY with pellets on his head, remember, it was the Weyr anti-psionic pellet gun that put them there.

#19342  by Citizen PassingBye - 2/22/2005 12:50:16 PM

BTW congrats to whomever it is that nailed them with all those spitballs to the head (The new logo)!

What, you guys aren't aware of the new psionic neutralizing gun that Weyr developed? It has a homing device built into every anti-psionic pellet that seeks out the psionic brain emanations that come from the Yor roY. The idea is to slow down and short circuit their psionic brains so that the only thing they can do is serve beer. These new devices are avaiable next to the Weyr Yor Armor Butt Protectors in the Claw. Help your self. Every time you see a foY with pellets on his head, remember, it was the Weyr anti-psionic pellet gun that put them there.

#19343  by Citizen Chipperoo - 2/22/2005 6:06:25 PM

I was booming through the galaxy one day,
Slaying Yor along the way,
When what to my surprise,
Spitballs 'tween his eyes,
is EVIL ROY himself!


#19344  by Citizen PassingBye - 2/22/2005 9:30:06 PM

BOOM! for 9,001 points.

#19345  by Citizen Magician of Black Chaos - 2/23/2005 1:17:04 AM

GC is Game Over. Picked up Battle for Middle Earth. Love it.

#19346  by Citizen Cetane - 2/23/2005 1:19:03 AM

GC is Game Over. Picked up Battle for Middle Earth. Love it.


#19347  by Citizen Evil Druid - 2/23/2005 3:53:26 AM

I hate it when you agree with yourself It's much more interesting when you lose an argument with yourself.
[Message Edited]

#19348  by Citizen PassingBye - 2/23/2005 5:35:47 AM

I hate it when you agree with yourself

Yeah, but I would like to see them pay against each other

#19349  by Citizen littlewotts - 2/23/2005 6:55:35 AM

It's much more interesting when you lose an argument with yourself.

Or to your clone.

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