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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#19500  by Citizen Weyrleader - 3/8/2005 5:48:55 PM

So I might as well save it for the Guardians

Good ol'e fashion pencil and paper beats a computer any day.
[Message Edited]

#19501  by Citizen Evil Druid - 3/8/2005 6:05:40 PM

Good save Weyr, if Roy had stolen it we might have had to exterminate his entire alien race from the universe.

Oh, I forgot were already in the process of doing that.

#19502  by Citizen Weyrleader - 3/8/2005 7:26:06 PM

#19503  by Citizen Weyrleader - 3/8/2005 7:27:04 PM

ED, I think there is a law about applying the death penalty to the mentally impaired!

#19504  by Citizen Evil Druid - 3/8/2005 7:46:16 PM

Good news Weyr,the Guardian's hand book say's the law only applies to the organic humaniod's, not Roy's

Infact there is a whole chapter on Greldonization process with a picture of Evil Roy on the title page.

There is even a loop hole to get around Altarian's apparent organic humaniod status in a pinch. See page 12 under "Greldonize 1st then let God sort it out".

#19505  by Veteran Evil Roy - 3/8/2005 8:30:14 PM

a picture of Evil Roy on the title page



#19506  by Citizen Evil Druid - 3/8/2005 8:49:13 PM

Roy what did we tell you about being so all the time. Its not good for your iron stomach. Your going to get internal rusting.

A professional Evil Roy look alike was used and no caption was included. We our on solid legal ground here Roy.

#19507  by Veteran Evil Roy - 3/8/2005 9:12:57 PM



#19508  by Citizen Greldon - 3/8/2005 9:19:29 PM

Good news Weyr,the Guardian's hand book say's the law only applies to the organic humaniod's, not Roy's

Infact there is a whole chapter on Greldonization process with a picture of Evil Roy on the title page.

There is even a loop hole to get around Altarian's apparent organic humaniod status in a pinch. See page 12 under "Greldonize 1st then let God sort it out".


#19509  by Citizen Chipperoo - 3/8/2005 9:23:07 PM

We may have to switch from lemon fresh Yor Shine to some of that informercial stuff Billy Mays is pushing, what's it called again...


That one is for all the tin hats!!!
[Message Edited]

#19510  by Citizen Greldon - 3/8/2005 9:27:33 PM

WTG Chipperoo!!

I'm gonna miss that lemony freshness!

#19511  by Citizen Weyrleader - 3/9/2005 8:40:42 AM

Hey, I like the sound of that. Push it up a notch, ka-Boom. I will have to try that seasoning tonight when I polish off a few Roys.

#19512  by Citizen Weyrleader - 3/9/2005 11:35:29 AM

Wake up time, nearly noon for you sleep happy west coast guys and gals (do we have any gal guardians?)

#19513  by Citizen Evil Druid - 3/9/2005 3:29:47 PM

Ka Boom That oughta shake the rust out of Roy's underwear.

#19514  by Veteran Evil Roy - 3/9/2005 4:47:12 PM

#19515  by Citizen Weyrleader - 3/9/2005 10:05:30 PM

Ka Boom really gets the rust off the Yor parts

Amond Roy, not Almond Roy. After that Ka Boom they have the "l" shaken out of them

#19516  by Citizen Chipperoo - 3/9/2005 10:46:42 PM


Oh well, tomorrow brings another day!

#19517  by Citizen littlewotts - 3/10/2005 7:10:40 AM

(do we have any gal guardians?)


#19518  by Citizen Evil Druid - 3/10/2005 4:19:58 PM

Did you here about the Roy that became a ghost?

He could not rust in peace.

#19519  by Citizen Weyrleader - 3/10/2005 6:03:01 PM

He could not rust in peace.

#19520  by Citizen Evil Druid - 3/11/2005 12:42:04 PM

Try this link to the galactic core forums the main page link is not working. Link

Everything is even more screwed up the yesterday.

#19521  by Citizen Evil Druid - 3/11/2005 3:10:55 PM

It will be 1 year as a Guardian for me on Sunday March 13.

#19522  by Citizen littlewotts - 3/11/2005 4:26:15 PM


Try this link to the galactic core forums the main page link is not working.

There was a post at the new forum that it because corrupt and it was all lost. Some of it seems to have been recovered.

#19523  by Citizen Weyrleader - 3/11/2005 5:36:45 PM

BOOM! but I don't think the Meta heard it. It is in my history, but no update in the Meta. Two games in this status.

#19524  by Citizen Evil Druid - 3/11/2005 11:03:51 PM

BOOM followed shortly by another BOOM

Yeah, I figure as long as in my profile it will all work itself out.

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