by Citizen Weyrleader - 3/24/2005 11:52:20 AM
I am not sure it is just the thread. The others are slow also, but just not as slow, so the size of the file undoubtely plays a role, but there are other issues as well.
by Citizen Evil Druid - 3/24/2005 12:54:19 PM
Maybe we should consider starting a new thread.
Would be kind of cool to get to 20,000 but I'm starting to think no one would be left posting here, to get there, because of how slow it is.
by Citizen Evil Druid - 3/24/2005 2:05:48 PM
Loaded GROSS empire and ours in new windows at the same time and they loaded at the same time. So size might not matter that much. Which is what I have been telling my wife for years.
by Citizen Evil Druid - 3/25/2005 2:55:13 AM
BOOM Its nice to actualy move up when I play.
by Citizen Weyrleader - 3/25/2005 5:24:16 AM
I played the beta last night. Kind of interesting - not sure how to play it as it is significantly different in some ways and not in others.
by Citizen Weyrleader - 3/25/2005 5:33:04 AM
I think we passed 20,000 post a long time ago, they just weren't all in the Guardian thread. I think that Guardians post more in other empire threads than other empires post here. I know ED posts more in the foundation than the fourndation does.
by Citizen Weyrleader - 3/26/2005 9:00:28 AM
Good morning. I started opening this thread yesterday
by Citizen Weyrleader - 3/26/2005 9:03:18 AM
It dawned on me (no pun intended ) that perhaps the Guardians have stumbled upon the ultimate cybersecurity tool. Require everyone who wants to acces a computer to open the Guarian's thread before they can gain access.