by Citizen Weyrleader - 4/17/2005 8:04:52 PM
Thought I would drop by to see what's happening. a post or two a day with 314 or so to go give about 150 days or 5 months. I'll check in later to see if we have moved at all.
by Citizen littlewotts - 4/17/2005 10:13:27 PM
Hey all! I'm at work, and I was able to get in. the whole site hates me from home I think. I check each to get in, but i can't access the CSF thread either.
by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/18/2005 1:43:25 AM
The claw's new nickname going to be the tomb. I can play a game almost as fast at it takes to load the thread.
by Citizen littlewotts - 4/18/2005 12:36:09 PM
that would be an easy way to wait for it...
by Citizen Weyrleader - 4/18/2005 3:26:03 PM
Waiting in suspence, all around the balcony those who are hopeing the operations is a success, and those hoping it is a failure. But the announcement was just made by Dr. Cari - a sucess. Weyrleader and PassingBy have been reunited.
Weyrleader wakes in the recovery room and the first thing he asks for is his Precious. Yes, he has his precious. Cuddling it closely to his heart he examins it for mistreadment from ED. Well, do not fear, Precious. Your now mine forever.
by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/18/2005 4:08:30 PM
It's been stolen. The precious, oh the precious. He was jealous of the precious and me. He stoles it, he does. It wants me. It calls me. Oh, the precious.