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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
758 votes
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#19750  by Citizen Greldon - 5/6/2005 7:50:47 PM

The BOOM echoed through the empty Claw.

#19751  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/6/2005 10:12:01 PM

MOOB and BOOM 10 more now I need 12 more The meta is nothing if not unpredictable.

#19752  by Citizen Greldon - 5/7/2005 12:57:06 PM


The meta is nothing if not unpredictable
How true! Hang in there ED!

#19753  by Citizen Greldon - 5/7/2005 12:58:26 PM

Damn Dial-up

[Message Edited]

#19754  by Citizen Greldon - 5/8/2005 11:02:17 AM


Happy Mother's Day!

#19755  by Citizen Greldon - 5/9/2005 8:17:52 PM

MOOB!!! I lost 626 points that time.

#19756  by Citizen Chipperoo - 5/11/2005 10:42:00 AM

It's OK Greldon, my MOOB was larger, and you now own the spot!

#19757  by Citizen Moser_Alchemist - 5/11/2005 7:40:03 PM


#19758  by Citizen Greldon - 5/11/2005 10:05:14 PM

MOOB!!! Again!!! I lost 8,328 points this time.



#19759  by Citizen Weyrleader - 5/13/2005 8:38:39 PM

I haven't played for a couple of weeks now. First time to visit sinc cinco de Mayo.

#19760  by Citizen Greldon - 5/14/2005 10:00:59 AM

Yet another MOOB!!! Third one in a row. I lost 4,287 points this time.

#19761  by Citizen Greldon - 5/14/2005 3:04:59 PM

BOOM!!! Positive points!

#19762  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/14/2005 10:59:47 PM

It's been a long time guys, but I think I owe it to the gang to drop a couple booms, I plan on hitting 3 or so within the next week.

Hope I still remember how to play...hope things are going well with you guys

#19763  by Citizen Greldon - 5/15/2005 9:51:37 AM

MOOB!!! I lost 901 points this time.

Hi quiksilverhg....long time no hear.

#19764  by Citizen Greldon - 5/16/2005 6:55:32 PM

BOOM!!! WOW!!! 1,500 points.

#19765  by Citizen Greldon - 5/18/2005 6:35:54 PM

BOOM!!! 2K points.

#19766  by Citizen Greldon - 5/20/2005 7:09:11 PM

BOOM!!! For 2,461 points.

#19767  by Citizen Greldon - 5/22/2005 6:18:32 AM

BOOM!!! 56,317 points this time.

#19768  by Citizen Greldon - 5/22/2005 9:48:05 PM


#19769  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/24/2005 2:48:52 PM

Wow, very empty, glad you're keeping us alive Greldon.

I am trying to get back into this, but realize I have forgotten a lot.

Can you point me to a good tech tree?
I remember I had this really good one, but lost it when I reimaged my computer.

#19770  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/24/2005 2:59:01 PM

Wow Greldon looks like you stand alone now. I am trying to get back into this and finding I have forgotten a lot, can you point me in the direction of a good tech tree?

#19771  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/24/2005 4:38:26 PM

Rats, I just did one and got 30,000 points...
what year do you have to go to for full credit?

#19772  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/24/2005 6:58:25 PM

Boom! Feels good to be back, felt like I was hanging around forever waiting for it. Tried at like 2195 and finally got my 60k. What year do you need to wait 'til? and can someone point me to a good tech tree site?

#19773  by Citizen Greldon - 5/24/2005 7:00:47 PM

Hi quik! You have to play to 2190. If you win before that you only get half the score. Sorry but I can't point you to a tech tree....not sure where one is except maybe in the maso strategies.

MOOB!!! Lost over 7k that time.

#19774  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/24/2005 7:11:30 PM

Ouch, I thought when you submitted your score was supposed to go up.

Dropped 16 places and over 80,000 points that submission

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