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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
758 votes
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#19775  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/26/2005 3:34:11 PM

Dropped 4000 points and 2 places that time. I might have expected that the first time, but not the second. Do your scores disappear completely after one year or what?

#19776  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/26/2005 4:39:54 PM

oh, btw

#19777  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 5/27/2005 2:50:52 AM

Explanation: on the submission the 05/24/05, you were hit by a recalc since no recalc has taken place since mid february. So it as pretty nasty, with lots of games going int the latest block (aged of 291 days or more)

On the 05/26/05 submission, the latest games submitted in august has finnaly reached the latest block. So you have now a very nice situation: 2 games in the first blocks and all others in the latest, were they can't no longer move.

So you in the situation of some who have submitted 2 games (05/24/05 and 05/26/05) starting at 233K (instead of 0K). You won't experience drop for a long time. Enjoy it

#19778  by Citizen Cetane - 5/27/2005 7:47:40 PM

5 min to load. Wow. Just shove these rusty parts out the air lock. Much better. Perhaps it may be time to play again...

#19779  by Citizen Magician of Black Chaos - 5/27/2005 8:00:05 PM

Not if I play instead...

#19780  by Citizen Greldon - 5/28/2005 4:56:16 PM


I loose points all the time...two steps forward and one step back!

#19781  by Citizen Greldon - 5/29/2005 1:27:45 PM

BOOM!!! I didn't loose points this time.

#19782  by Citizen Greldon - 5/30/2005 2:28:36 PM

BOOM!!! ....or this time.

#19783  by Citizen Greldon - 6/3/2005 6:28:10 PM

!!!MOOB I lost 22,133 points this time.

#19784  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/3/2005 10:16:48 PM

BOOM and I'm not even going to look at how much I lost. Closing in on 500 games.

#19785  by Citizen Greldon - 6/5/2005 9:13:46 AM

BOOM...BOOM...BOOM...BOOM!!! ...and now I'm back to where I was three days ago.

Don't know right now if I'll play any more.

For Honor and Justice!

#19786  by Veteran Terl - 7/20/2005 8:26:25 PM

Hi guys! Got a game fired up and gonna lose big points. Got my GC2 beta to play with to. How's everyone been?

I see you're still "booming" Greldon.

#19787  by Citizen Greldon - 8/14/2005 9:26:12 AM

#19788  by Citizen Major Dallas - 8/16/2005 6:20:22 PM


I see a few familiar faces. Hello all! Anyone playing the beta and have thoughts that they can share?

#19789  by Citizen Moser_Alchemist - 8/20/2005 2:36:03 AM

Hi there!

I'm mot playing GC1 anymore and have stopped playing GC2 until next beta. The current beta is OK but very basic in its components.

#19790  by Citizen Cetane - 8/22/2005 1:28:20 PM

lurking around

#19791  by Citizen Chipperoo - 10/5/2005 11:27:02 AM


Ha! (Got in here from work, since my server at home won't open this thread)

Oh lookie, I managed to get palindromic post #19791 too!!! See you guys in "The Core".

#19792  by Citizen Cetane - 10/8/2005 11:25:22 PM

lurking around... again! Sup Chip.

#19793  by Citizen Chipperoo - 10/10/2005 10:36:16 AM

Just trying to keep the Claw going, I'll Boom in here whenever I get the chance.

#19794  by Citizen Moser_Alchemist - 10/13/2005 12:34:41 AM

Hmmm...loaded fairly fast tonight.

Inching closer to 20,000 posts.

#19795  by Citizen Weyrleader - 10/13/2005 5:38:08 AM

Thought I would check out the old digs. I see that the Meta is still the same, no ageing, etc. Very quiet on most of the threads, mostly people like me just lurking about or saying goodbye, like krazyhorse (mayito8888, etc)

Still takes quite a while to load the threads.

#19796  by Citizen Moser_Alchemist - 10/20/2005 12:53:51 AM

Another week passes...

#19797  by Citizen Major Dallas - 10/26/2005 9:58:29 AM

(the sleeping dragon stirs...)

Looking at dabbling in GalCiv again. If only to see how far backwards a BOOM might take me. At any rate, I have long forgotten the maso strategy that I used so long ago. Went to the Galactic Guardians home page but am no longer able to log in. (Either because I'm remembering my id/password wrong or because I no longer have an active account. Go figure.)

If any of my Galactic Guardian brothers who are still active over there see this would you give me a leg up?


And Moser, thanks for the 'hello' and the feedback on the current Beta. Good to see a familiar face from "long ago and far away"!

#19798  by Citizen Moser_Alchemist - 10/26/2005 1:39:53 PM

Hmmm...stop by the to find many of the Guardians and familiar faces.

#19799  by Citizen Evil Druid - 10/27/2005 12:28:37 AM

MD my good buddy. Follow as directed to and you will find all the remnants of the mighty empire.

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