Galactic Civilization

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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
758 votes
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#19800  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 11/1/2005 1:46:06 PM

Ha! 19800 is claimed by the Galactic Guardians

For Honor and Justice!

(After all this time, I've still got it )

#19801  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 11/1/2005 1:48:38 PM

...and if anyone still watches this, the Core forum is down again...

#19802  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/1/2005 3:10:21 PM

I was wondering if my work CPU had been "compromised"...

#19803  by Citizen Cetane - 11/1/2005 4:24:53 PM

Ring 8 Bells! The Fuels Chief has returned with a whalloooping MOOB from 6th to 21st.

The Core is functional again.

#19804  by Citizen Cetane - 11/1/2005 9:44:12 PM

BOOM back to 20. The Assault has begun.

#19805  by Citizen Moser_Alchemist - 11/2/2005 12:45:06 AM

The Core is dead again.

#19806  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/2/2005 1:46:34 PM

Yes, I am having difficulty now after having posted there earlier.

#19807  by Citizen Cetane - 11/2/2005 5:23:59 PM

Boom to 19.

#19808  by Citizen Cetane - 11/2/2005 5:25:38 PM

Boom to 18.

#19809  by Citizen Weyrleader - 11/3/2005 10:25:01 PM

Need to clean up the place. Bring in those foundation yor robots and have them sweep it up. Then throw them into the metling pot.

#19810  by Citizen Weyrleader - 11/11/2005 4:32:58 PM

I've been playing the Beta 4 for GC II. thought I would post and bump the thread

#19811  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/23/2005 4:57:01 PM


#19812  by Veteran Terl - 12/27/2005 1:29:15 PM


Hello all! I hope everyone had a great holiday. Just stopping by. I too have been playing the GC2 beta. Quite nice

#19813  by Citizen Cetane - 12/29/2005 7:08:06 PM

Looks like the hole gang is in GC II Beta.

                             Posted via Stardock Central
#19814  by Citizen Chipperoo - 2/7/2006 4:01:27 PM

I'm still playing, and I hear that there ~may~ be a Meta-wide re-calc for ALL players, not just active ones...

#19815  by Citizen Walldorf2000 - 2/8/2006 2:46:05 AM

and I hear that there ~may~ be a Meta-wide re-calc for ALL players, not just active ones...

That would be great. When all of you retreat I will soon be on the first place

There are no active players ahead of me anymore

The only problem would be Tech. He stopped playing in October. Thus it will take until August when he reaches the last step of aging and will still have 1.4 Million credits. Very impressive that guy

#19816  by Citizen damoose - 2/8/2006 3:53:22 PM

Hummm.... Good thing I don't come here often... I'd starve

Snacks anyone? LUNCH!!!

#19817  by Citizen Brewskin - 2/23/2006 7:24:56 PM

Howdy ladz!

#19818  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 3/5/2006 5:22:37 AM

I was in the area so i stopped in to say "hi".

#19819  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 3/23/2006 11:48:37 PM

Is Galactic Guardians on Galciv 2 yet?

I haven't bought it, but looks like I am going to soon.

#19820  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/16/2006 12:34:06 AM

I think most have rolled the the Galactic Diplomats. Come by the site at Link

#19821  by Citizen Cetane - 9/25/2006 7:12:32 PM

Just dropping by for a visit.

#19822  by Citizen Walldorf2000 - 9/26/2006 12:57:36 PM

Uuuuh I shiver. Someone opened the crypt.

Nice to have a sign of life from you Fuels Chief

#19823  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 10/7/2006 10:18:14 PM

You know, I don't think this thread will ever be allowed to die.

#19824  by Citizen Cetane - 11/21/2006 7:57:18 PM

Not until we reach 20000 posts!

(better find some help)

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