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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
758 votes
1- Yes
2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#2125  by Veteran Disciple777 - 2/27/2004 3:50:54 PM

No!!! stop the Yoricide, they are great creatures when you get to know them, they do well as targets for paintball figths, they care about your dogs, they know how to dig the holes to buried them when they missbehave, so please I beg stop the Yoricide!!!

#2126  by Veteran Disciple777 - 2/27/2004 3:51:42 PM

To Greldon, that is my opinion too, but I have noticed that when I skip 1 or 2 days the scores increases by another 3 to 5K.

#2127  by Veteran Terl - 2/27/2004 3:52:46 PM

It doesn't seem right to be penalized for playing more often.

No it doesn't. I am not so sure about this...

If you post a loss, does it subtract from your score or add a small point value?

#2128  by Citizen Greldon - 2/27/2004 3:53:31 PM

It doesn't seem right to be penalized for playing more often.

I guess I could just save them and only submit every 2 or 3 days.

#2129  by Veteran Disciple777 - 2/27/2004 3:53:43 PM

Usually substracts and substracts a lot!!!

#2130  by Veteran Terl - 2/27/2004 3:53:47 PM

I beg stop the Yoricide!!!

In a word... No!

#2131  by Veteran Disciple777 - 2/27/2004 3:54:26 PM

I posted a loss the other day and I lost like 3k, so I had to play the game again and resubmit it as an alliance victory.

#2132  by Veteran Terl - 2/27/2004 3:55:43 PM

Time to go home now. I'll see you later fellow Guardians!

#2133  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 2/27/2004 3:56:29 PM

Have a great weekend, Terl!

#2134  by Citizen Greldon - 2/27/2004 3:58:12 PM

Bye Terl!

For Honor and Justice!

[Message Edited]

#2135  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 2/27/2004 3:58:59 PM

Later Terl!

#2136  by Citizen Greldon - 2/27/2004 4:00:00 PM

I'll check back in a few minutes....hahahahaha

#2137  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 2/27/2004 4:01:01 PM

Work? Oh, crap! I knew there was something I was supposed to be doing...

#2138  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 2/27/2004 4:08:03 PM

The whole scoring system is designed around the casual gamer, not the hardcore cranker (not wanker).

I remember when EBZeroMatrix got all bent out of shape because of it.

Because of the monthly blocks, you take your score divided by the sqrt of the number of games you played in that month (block). As you see, the more you play, the lower the points you get for every consecutive game you submit.

Not posting some days will not help, only to pass the time until your other games "fall into the next block".
Make sense?

Ingenious way to protect the "casual" gamer, IMO.

#2139  by Veteran Disciple777 - 2/27/2004 4:12:33 PM

I don't agree 100% with you on that, I have played the same games with almost the same score and I have noticed that when I played one day after another I used to get 1 or 2K per game (17000 score games) and when I waited couple of days the same score (17000 games generated 3 to 4K)And it didn't happen at the end of the month.

#2140  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 2/27/2004 4:24:55 PM

I'm not saying it happens at the end of the month. I'm saying that as your games get 30 days old, they drop into the next block.

I have a spreadsheet that has followed my score 100%. The calculations work - no doubt about it.

#2141  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 2/27/2004 4:32:54 PM

Well, another great day is just about over! Time to head home for the day!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! I'll try to sneak in here sometime this weekend.

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For Honor and Justice!

#2142  by Citizen Greldon - 2/27/2004 4:35:24 PM

It still doesn't seem fair that my 60k game is worth less than another player's 60k game. I understand that points degrade after a time, but when I submit a game it should be worth the same amount as any other newly submitted game. It's just not right.......okay, I'm done crying now.

#2143  by Citizen Greldon - 2/27/2004 4:36:52 PM

Have a good weekend Theoden!

For Honor and Justice!

#2144  by Citizen Wild Wombat - 2/27/2004 4:57:42 PM

Hi Guardians - just dropping in for a beer, and looking forward to taking you guys on in March! Lothmorg and Greldon - I heard you mention the Austin connection: does that mean you're both in Texas (forgive me if that's stupid, I'm on the other side of the world)? Then you'll need to get out for some barbecue spare ribs, right? [The Jedi keep telling me about these mind tricks...just can't seem to get the hang of it...]

#2145  by Veteran Terl - 2/27/2004 5:01:31 PM

I heard you mention the Austin connection: does that mean you're both in Texas

You are right (answering for them). Pretty much right smack in the center of Texas.

#2146  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 2/27/2004 5:01:51 PM

forgive me if that's stupid, I'm on the other side of the world

Actually, that's quite good. I have no idea where Victoria is.

You are always welcome in Texas. Bring some Kangaroo meat, and we'll cook it - Texas sytle.

We don't just do cows, some of our immediate neighbors to the east will cook up some fresh roadkill, so that kangaroo will be easy!

#2147  by Citizen KEmperor - 2/27/2004 5:01:52 PM

Austin is the capital city of texas.

#2148  by Veteran Terl - 2/27/2004 5:03:05 PM

Austin is the capital city of texas.

Not to mention a beautiful city and a fine college town

#2149  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 2/27/2004 5:05:26 PM

Yep! Everythings bigger in Texas.

[it's the heat!]

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