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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Incomming Message... from StarFleet
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#550  by Diplomat Blue_Steel - 8/26/2004 2:07:32 AM

the thing is that there is an alternate metaverse scoring system available... that you can look up your scores on...

Just like othewr online scoring systems / ladders there ARE alternatives.. If you don't like one then use another (well only one other at the moment for GalCiv.. Try making your own if you feel up to the challenge... and post a link to it.. for help I suggest talking to those who made the alternate metaverse scores.. )

#551  by Diplomat Blue_Steel - 8/31/2004 10:10:09 AM

ok.. I'vce just posted another 60,000 masso game..

Sorry its taken me so long.. I've had computer problems...

I just wish that my science officer would stop trying to compuser more logical..

All stable again now..

#552  by Diplomat Blue_Steel - 9/9/2004 8:24:45 AM

here we are.... for those of you who lost our msg thread...

#553  by Veteran Icho Tolot - 9/9/2004 8:43:03 AM

#554  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 9/9/2004 9:30:47 AM

here we are.... for those of you who lost our msg thread...

I don't know Qwerk, it seems like you are talking to yourself.

When this happens you have two choices ... Join the 12 step program or join the Crazy Canucks. You can do this because you have already met the prequisite.

You are obviously missing a few tribbles.

#555  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/9/2004 9:37:13 AM

I've seen Desert Fox over in the main forum and the strategy forum. You just need to get him to join you over here.

#556  by Diplomat Blue_Steel - 9/10/2004 2:49:34 PM

Starfleet is always looking for a few good recruits.. saying that we are also looking for proven active officers for imidiate intigration into the senete...

To get into the senete (and remain there) simply submit atleast four games in every 30 day period.. no matter what their score.. even losses will count as active games...

Activaty in this and out story thread will count towards activity... not as much as submitting games however..

Happy Galciving

#557  by Veteran Cosmic Fox - 9/11/2004 6:16:12 AM

Thanks for the good laugh at 4am guys. Now I found this thread I will try to add to this story.. When will the next episode be?

#558  by Diplomat Blue_Steel - 9/11/2004 3:21:04 PM

when ever anyone has something to write... or when I get the time... its hard to do when we have so few people participating in our empire..

I write my stories more like RPG .. ie: someone writes something and I respond to what they've written.. None of my stories get planned or deliberated on.. they are thought of and written as I read what others have written, Unless no one has written anything which case I try and stior things up .. but its not easy for me to keep comming up with things to write...

#559  by Veteran Cosmic Fox - 9/12/2004 5:50:34 AM

The best way to write the stories are like an RPG. Maybe we should startup an RPG Trek game. It seems there are only like 3 of us playing.

I have a game near the end I will kick that out this morning.

#560  by Citizen Omni 11 - 9/14/2004 1:31:54 AM

Hello! I have just joined your empire. Just thought I would say hi. Hi.

#561  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 9/14/2004 5:24:21 AM

I'm sorry to see that you've left our Empire, Omni 11. You have been given Honorary Status, so you may still join us in conversation at our private forum. Good luck to you.

#562  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/14/2004 5:51:24 AM

Omni 11, sorry to see you go. I don't remember seeing you much in the forum, but perhaps I missed your postings. Stop by and chat, we are a friendly group and there aren't many people over here in this deserted ship.

#563  by Veteran Cosmic Fox - 9/14/2004 7:12:24 AM

Hey there are still crew on this ship New Recruits are always welcome.. Game on..

#564  by Diplomat Blue_Steel - 9/14/2004 7:37:27 AM

Hi Omni welcome aboard...

I've just found 2 corpses in the ranks.. they have been burried in space

20311 benDbum
22392 buddhi83

Were found not to have any life signs .. (no input into the Starfleet empire what so ever in about 2 months) .. The Doc tried to revive them but no luck.. No family or contact info found in their files so we assume that they were spys.. planted in Starfleet to try to obtain our secrets.. But they were trapped in the No-Matter converter and were found to be daed and because the "Enterpwize" was having a spring clean their bodies were commited to the void of space..

(They are welcome to rejoin when they see fit to either submit a game or even post a single message .. Zero scores and No input in the forums for 2 months (60 days) .. isn't a good sign and looks bad on the crew rosater.. )

the Link web page is in the process of being re-vamped and updated.. (should be done by monday) I'm also testing the latest update of the STmod for GalCiv .. what ... you havn't heard of it... join us at this Link and ask about helping is test and improve the Star Trek mods for GalCiv


#565  by Diplomat Blue_Steel - 9/14/2004 10:54:58 AM

Great work people... keep it up... 7 active players last month and 4 already this month...

#566  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 9/14/2004 7:12:54 PM

The Madness of the Diplomats is spreading. I should mention this because we are mostly dead now.

#567  by Diplomat Blue_Steel - 9/14/2004 8:02:33 PM

Your More than welcome to Join Us... After all you are a Star Trek fan arn't you.. after all who isn't

#568  by Diplomat Technician - 9/15/2004 5:45:06 PM

New logo I can see the starfleet logo but it is very small.

#569  by Veteran Icho Tolot - 9/15/2004 5:48:41 PM

I think the old one looked better

#570  by Diplomat Blue_Steel - 9/15/2004 8:54:49 PM

I have a few logo's for Starfleet.. most are simple colour changes.. In the forums this one looks small but have a look at it on the top player screen (next to my name.. rank 13 at the moment) If enough people don't like it i'll drop it from the rotation.. Its very hard to come up with logo's that look good in the 2 sizes...

BTW satill working on the web pages.. I've got lots of ideas .. just hope i am good enopugh to impliment them

#571  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/15/2004 9:08:04 PM

the peoblem with the logo that I see is the yellow bar to the left with what looks like a mobil phone on the side of the picture. Not sure what it is, but it is confusing to me.

#572  by Diplomat Blue_Steel - 9/15/2004 10:12:04 PM

well its ment to be an LCARS screen... have you looked at it in the top players list ?? as thats the size its ment to be looked at in... Maybe stardock need to let you have 2 images.. either that or not have the images in the forums as small.. I think that they should be the same size as they are in the Top player lists it would also allow more detail in the pici's of the medals

#573  by Diplomat Blue_Steel - 9/17/2004 8:51:20 PM

Please use this thread to post questions and comments. and only post Storys in the other Starfleet Thread..


#574  by Veteran Cosmic Fox - 9/20/2004 6:54:48 AM

I had a great game going until I could not resist grabbing the PQ evil choices for a few events. Now I am evil near the end of the game.. Fundmentalists have shown up and my great game is slowly turning into the worst one I have played in a long time.

I have no idea how to beat these damn insurgents. I am going to try an invasion tactic that is in the Omega Mod.. If that does not work I will not have a high scoring game. Last time I allow myself to go that far to the dark side.

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