Galactic Civilization

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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
758 votes
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2- No

9:22 AM
Jan 11th, 2025
What ever happened to those 'Pan Gaea Cooperativies" ????
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by Citizen GangofMao - 4/8/2004 5:05:32 PM

I used to really dig the thread they had going,
where is that Party Palace Feeling they had,
am i missing there space?,is there a thread that speaks,
of those Party Palace days gone by?
if so i want to find it again...

#1  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/8/2004 5:11:17 PM

They are long gone, history a part of the past.

#2  by Veteran Primipilus Alexus - 4/8/2004 5:13:02 PM

No submissions last month or this....


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#3  by Citizen GangofMao - 4/8/2004 5:15:43 PM

I know better then listen to a G.R.O.S.S. ...
They can't be gone just cutting in on ur space i think
otherwise why tell me they gone...

#4  by Citizen GangofMao - 4/8/2004 5:17:49 PM

Party Palace Rules...
and that from the lone cubist...
those angels they can get there makes everyone there slave..a tool G.R.O.S.S. should use...

#5  by Citizen KEmperor - 4/8/2004 5:18:56 PM

They are no longer cooperating.

#6  by Citizen GangofMao - 4/8/2004 5:21:59 PM

That's the problem i find as well...
Take it from a guy named Mao...

#7  by Citizen Cliffracer Slayer - 4/9/2004 4:46:13 PM

Decided Galciv was much too much like work.

#8  by Veteran Captain Jack Sparrow - 4/9/2004 7:04:00 PM

I know better then listen to a G.R.O.S.S. ... They can't be gone just cutting in on ur space i thinkotherwise why tell me they gone...

They are stuck in a pocket of Null space named RL I believe. It's an unfortunate side effect of our super space distortion cannon. Poor Chaps. They should have just handed over the booze.

#9  by Citizen GangofMao - 4/24/2004 10:31:02 PM

damn da RL...i know it so well...
but we will never hand over da booze,
dat's all that makes RL worth it...
a cubist log trapped in that Null space of RL,
as well...
onward to LOVE and ROCKETS

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