The Intergalactic Bounty Hunters were born from the ashes of the Diplomats-Empire.
Started by the last four active members of a once great empire, the four friends decided it was time for a revamp.
Deciding on IBH as the name for the new empire the four now promote the value of friendship and playing the game for fun to all players of the great game that is Galactic Civilisations.
The bounty hunters can be contacted in this forum and will stop by here now and again for a chat etc. However our main base of operations can be found at the Embassy forums. All players are welcome at these forums.
We have a section in the Metaverse where you can join with us should you wish to. All prospective members will be welcomed into the ranks. However please make a note of the couple of empire laws we abide by. These laws can be found in our website.
This empire is not striving for positional glory. We exist because of each other. Every member of the IBH brings with them something to enhance the group collectively. No one member is greater than another. We exist to have fun!!
When I try to log into the new forum it asks me to register, which is understandable. Problem is. that when I try to register, it says the user name Marquesa is taken.
Tell me who it is and I will scratch her eyes out, or worse. Yes. Definitely worse.
by Citizen NewfyScotian - 10/4/2004 7:07:23 AM
Marquesa, now look what you have done.
You have ruined him. Instead of submitting games to the meta he will be day dreaming of being stroked and trying to figure out how to repeat that stroke.
You have ruined him. Instead of submitting games to the meta he will be day dreaming of being stroked and trying to figure out how to repeat that stroke.
Its an IBH plot I tell ya! They send in the seductress to slow your progress while the others spread through the metaverse like locusts.