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And these...
A version of the "trekkin" video - big.... Link
and these other parodies - some are remarkably tasteless - cf "Spok removes his genitals" Link
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And there's this one too... Link
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I know.... ppl just like taking the Trek.. anyway they can.. It crosses all bounderys...
Come on and Sign up.. don't be a Closet Trek fan... come out into the open.. and sign up for the adventure of your life..
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Qwerk is buisy wondering what king of test "M" has planned..
The Enterpwize isn't ready to move on.. Becaise with only having 2 crew on board the best speed we can muster is 1/2 impulse power...
"Dam it Spook... where is Potty (Scotty)... we need him to to find out what "M" has done to the warp core.."
"Spook.. I need you to... try to muster up some sort of crew.. we are like sitting ducks out here without any... go down to BS1 (DS1) and see if there are any StarFleet personel who have a hankerinbg for Andevture"
Spook" A sitting duck in space captian... that is illogocal"
Qwerk" dam it Spook its an old earth expression... Mut you take everything to litterally.. I thought you had studieed earths history"
Spook "Captian.. Earths history yes... their illogical ideas no..."
Qwerk"Well Spook it look like we have a bit of extra time onour hands.. I suggest... you.. brush up on my race if you are going to be my first officer.."
Spook"But.. Captian.. thats illogical as I already am your first and officer and only officer at this point in time"
Qwerk: " there you go Spook... you just made a joke of a serous situation.... I knew that the human side of you was still in there.... No dam it... Find me my crew"
Spook lifts an eyebrow as he spins around in his chair from the compuser screen to face his captian.. bemused at the captians lkast comment.. Not sure that he liked it...
Spook then trying to contain himself tried to see some logic in it.. but alas the captian was right he was half human.. and he hated it.. no matter how he tried to to "Logicamise" things sometimes his "Ill-logical" feelings kept getting hooked..
Just like the last comment the captian said had just increased is bloodpreasure by 1/2 a % and he couldn't think of a logical reply.. except...
Spook" Captian.. I'm scanning the area you refer to as BS1 for any signs of our crew but there is no sign of them as yet.. It doesn't help things to get immotionaly swamped with the situation.. there is and always has to be a logical cause and remedy to every situation..and i'm doing my best.. but without knowing all the facts I can't be expected to perform flawlessly.. It'll take time captian.. Just be patient"
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{Bump} Still looking for Crew
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I went to see the complete works of shakespeare (abridged) last night where 3 actors did all the parts..
Until you get your full crew why not keep changing your names to progress the story line
just and idea
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Qwerk "Welcome aboard.. ummm... ermmm....no... wait.. don't tell me...
ummm.... its not a........ its not a........."
Spook "I believe the workds you are looking or captian are REDSHIRT #3 ..."
REdshirt #3 looks nervis...
Querk "hmmm.. well yes... I know your a new recruit.. i'll call you ... ummmm...... its on the tip of my tongue...."
Qwerk screems waving his arms around begging Spook to put his phaser down... "arghhh....... no Spook it was another figure of speach.... thers nothing realy on the end of my tongue"
REDSHIRT#3 "cowers away under the helmsman's station..
Spook "Sorry captian... ... " holding in his human side again Spook holds back a flush od embarasement.."
QWERK : "Squaty" how are the transporters going.. replicators.. are they working yet... ( Qwerk remembers the old days when there were no such things replicators... Gee he wonderd to himself just how did CPT Parcher (archer from Enterprise.. the series) alsowonders what eve happened to him...without him there would bee no starfleet} I need my cupa coffee... now where was I ... ahhh yes.... Redshirt#3 once Squatty has the replicators fixed pls bring me a strong sweet long black.. also when Squatty has finished repairing the transporters you will beam down to DS1 andsee whats keeping the rest of the crew..... Oh and until furthe notice you are our temporary helmsman,communications person... (Qwerk didn't like giving promotions easily to his general crew... )
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