EEEEEEK !!!!! our Recruiting msg thred (well at the moment out main thread) just droped onto the 2nd pace.. Off the first... so {Bump} get back up there... How are ppl supposed to know that we are looking for our crew if its burriede under all this onter notices (forms, red tape.. etc...) .. Please we need your help.. help us locate our missing crew.. (yes that could include you.. if you are a trekie or treker or simply like startrek) there is a StarTrek mod under construction as I sppk to help give GalCic more of a StarTrek Flavour.. here is their Link
we also have an empure web page Link Our Empires anthum is "Star Trekin'" Not to mention that our storyes (small rpg like encounters.. eg:n I type something someone else types a responce atc... and so on it goes..) are good for the soul and heart.. as they are very funny at times..
So Come on down to Link and Sign up for the greatest experience of a livetime
(taken out of retirement one again.. to save the future of man kind..)
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Yes... i'm using the mod.. looks very good and promissing.. its not finished yet though..
hmmm... Qwerk goes back through the history logs .. for starship Voyager.. under the command of Painway .. "Your Right... I do seem to recal.. that Painway did send theie EMH through a transmission back to the Alpha quadrant to a Promethous class ship.. and that only the EMH's were active onboard and that they did thwart an enemy... Please correct me if i'm wrong.. after all i'm only human and my brain isn't what it used to be back when I was a mere captian on a 5 year mission to explore the unknown.."
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I havn't had a chance to submit yet.. but i do keep saving and retiring to check for anomolous scores.. and havn't run into any problems yet..
As forwhere it expands to.. I duno... maybe all the black holes out there are sucking enough stuff in to make up for the expansion... ::
How about joining us and helping us find out whats out there.... ???
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The only ring I sware by is the one in the seat of my pants.... its never let me down yet... ::
All trekies/trekers welcome.. and are invited to join... before they all get conscripted back into StarFleet...
Come out.. come out where ever you are....
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Psst...wanna know the truth about the Metaverse? Read this! Link
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Well according to that article... WE aren't even In it... tyalk about propaganda.... sheesh.... There's the run rebelion (used to be ANZACS) Special forces (or the Special Fops.. :: ), Gross, FOTR, is there anyone i left out.. Oh yeag.. the American president and Arny.....
But we didn't even get a mention
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Ok... after over 24 hours of work.. I've totaly refashoned our Empire's web page.. Let me know If anything doesn't work .. here is the link.. AND I WANT COMMENTS. and CRITASISMS... please
and if its no good i'll put the old one back up
here is the Link
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Cool website! It looks a lot more like Star Trek than the other one.
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I'm 1024 x 768 and it looks fine.
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