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StarFleet Announcement,
As of the end of this transmission all Communications relating to starfleet empire shall appear in the empires channel (forum)where they belong.
As a new empire we stand to loose a lot of new recruits by upholding the will of the majority idf other empires don't.. so if other empires continue to activly promote their empire in this forum then they should be forewarned that they could be razzed for not listening to the voices of the ppl..
To any other empires still with active msgs in this forum that are empire related please seace and desist from further broardcasts on this channel (General forum) about your empire.
If you don't move your empire decussions accross to the empire forum then what the hell is it there for... many (not me though) have spent a long time asking GalCiv.com to please create an forum where empires can talk freely without spamming the main forum with empire dribble
If you answer a ask or answer a question with more than a one word type of answer (IE: give appropriate chat relating to the question/thought being talked about) then I've been informed that it's acceptable to place a one liner advertasement (including a link) about your empire (like a signature line)
Cari has setup a sticky post where you are allowed to post 1 recruitment msg in this forum. So that your empire is not disadvantaged by this I suggest that a delegate from your empire follow the (as of writting this msg) 4 empires who have done so. (see our recruitment msg in there or in the empires forum)
To try and make things work the way that they should I as emperor of StarFleet shall be doing everything within my power to help make the transition smoothly, and friendly in Star Trek
The powers that be at large (the staff at GalCiv.com) have set up a seperate forum in which they hop[e to encourage future empire related posts to be made.
I was going to boycot and ignore this(due to others not knowing or knowingly ignoring the intent of the new forum),
I've decided to play it like I would as the leader of StarFleet.. honorably and to the best of my ability.. I shall remind others of the new forum and its purpose if they continue to ignore its existance and continue to keep empire related topics being discussed in here). I know that the staff of GalCiv have indicated that this isn't to force empires out of the general forum. But you know where your supposed to talk empire talk..
StarFleet is honor bound to uphold this as I consider it a "Prime Directive" for a stable metaverse.. People who are having problems with the game don't want to have to scroll through empire related topics just to find the answer to their question, so please be considerate..
Also please try to keep msgs in one forum only.. not cross post your querries accross multiple forums(general,empire.. etc..etc..) as it makes it hard for people to follow the thread..
This Msg thread is now closed.. if you have any further communiques to starfleet please post them in the appropriate forum and adheere to the "prime directive" which we follow and intend to uphold.. thus leading the way to a stable metaverse.
If you reply to this msg then expect not to be answered as this frequency(post) is no longer being monitored by me..
If you wish to talk to me further on this then please do so at this Link which I and others are voicing our opinions on the matter. (not all the same as mine either.. )
If empires want this to work then its up to everone to make it work
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Hey Fardog! You might want to check out your empire thread in the Empires Forum.( Link)
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Hello Qwark and fellow trekies. This is Nod speaking formally known as vasueden and current Fall Out 2 and Imperium Galactica II player. I'm finnaly going to buy this game and I want to know if you would accept any trekkies under other trek aliases such as the Borg Fusion Cube or species 8472. I ask because the empire's name is Star Fleet and that means Federation only. -loyal, angry, power hungry, star trekker Vasueden
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I have only one thing to say. Empire Thread in the Empire Forum. Did you perhaps read post #119 made by your emperor? The empire chat is there now.
Don't want to sound mean, but this forum doesn't need clogged up.
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Hey I finally have my score converted. I feel like an official member of this GREAT Empire now. We are ranked 13th we will see about knocking out one of the ones above us without a doubt. I hope everyone is still playing and submitting scores. We owe it to our fearless and incredibly good leader!! Its a pleasure to be a member!!
Long live Star Fleet Empire!!!
I always play Gigantic maps they take longer I know. I enjoy them more myself. Probably everyone else is shooting for the quick little maps. Just so everyone knows why I am submitting less then others.
Fall Out 2 player?? Cool great to hear I will be adding support for that outstanding game very soon at my website. Link a sci-fi themed website home of The Star Trek Mod for Galciv.
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