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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Galactic Civilizations II concept thread
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#100  by Citizen Cliffracer Slayer - 9/30/2004 2:27:36 PM

I want to see a more subtle form of cultural influence, an influence that shifts alignment in civs that are influenced and causes a morale loss dependant on the difference of civ morality (a drengin world in the middle of a sea of Altarian) is going to be greatly at odds with it's masters back in Drenginia as the Altarian culture sinks in, but a good Torian world won't suffer as much and a pure good civilization not at all. Hence shifting morality is a way (but a somewhat surrender-monkey) of surviving politicly in the face of alien culture.

However it is still possible to culturally assimilate a civilization, the key is the homeworld. All colonies look to their homeworld as the paragon of their civilizations culture, if you can put enough pressure on a civs homeword then that culture becomes the culture of it's colonies and hence it's links with your civilization. This results in a culturally assimilated state, which while not ending the existance of the civ changes it greatly.

A culturally assimilated civ gives all it's cultural influence to it's cultural master and can thus be used to influence other civs.
It always has the same alignment as it's cultural master, if it's masters alignment changes it does too.
A culturally assimilated civ will under normal circumstances be of close relation with it's master
If a civ that is culturally asimilated gains more influence then it becomes the master of the relationship and hence gains all it's former master's culture.
Culturally assimilated civs always vote the same as their master in U.P elections.
Culturally assimilated civs try and ally with their masters at the first opportunity.

You can also use cultural pressure as a means to bring creatures of your own race back into the mother civilization, ie cultural assimilation on your own race's worlds saps morale regardless of alignment due to the strengthening of bonds with the species own homeworld and the weakening of the influence of their most likely conquerer as well as smuggled funds, supplies and propoganda from sympathisers among the race's civ.

#101  by Citizen FuzzyMatrix - 10/3/2004 8:40:32 AM

USER FRIENDLY and automatic troop support.

Just as the trade routes, there could be support routes that work the same way. Perhaps some technologies would help this, or even build some bigger vessels there only to support a fleet (within limits that have to do with what kind of vessels are supported).

#102  by Citizen FuzzyMatrix - 10/3/2004 10:36:46 AM

I thought I was unclear and there was no "edit". So I'll clarify:

Just as the trade routes, there could be support routes that work the same way, automatically. In Iraq, Vietnam and so on, there are two types of units: support and purely military. So it changes alot of the strategy and tactic, it asks you to chose to defend more (or less) your support troops, permits to make a surprise attack on undefended support troops, etc.

These routes for going further into space could have a cost, and maybe even a player could decide to change its "by default route" (but the straight line always has its advantages). If so, I guess it could work just as trade routes and their little vessels.

It would potentially also permit some vessels following a fleet only for support: they may grow food, give energy, whattever would be needed. Sorta "flying mini-starbases".

Maybe other vessels has a certain independance, but with a limit. The more support you have, the more you can support Of course, technology can modify the situation here.

#103  by Veteran CaptainBizarre - 10/4/2004 9:22:07 AM

Here are some things I would like to see changed for GalCiv 2:

1 – PreCursor Corvettes
These ships get discovered on abandoned worlds in the dozens, sometimes over 100 can show up. They can unbalance the early game (or save you if it happens to the humans) and they’re next to worthless in the late game. Now, it may be that the PreCursor in charge of scrapping all the old corvettes got sentimental and shipped them all to some backwater star system to preserve them. Then, before he or she could set up a corvette museum, the PreCursor civilization tore itself apart, thereby inadvertently leaving dozens of corvettes packed in mothballs inside this big old hangar on a rocky planetoid just west of nowhere. I could buy that, sort of. What I won’t buy is having to watch as all 8 bajillion of these wimpy ships attacks my heavily defended planet or, even worse, having to delete all 8 bajillion of them before my new maintenance costs drive me bankrupt. This is a problem that I believe was mentioned, and should have been fixed, in the beta testing. If you want civilizations to randomly discover the occasional ship or two, set the random factor to 1 to 5 or 1 to 10, not 1 to infinity (and beyond).

2 – Cheese-eating Allies
This may not be a problem so much as misleading text or a failure to factor in non-material support. Here’s an example. I’m allied to the Altarians against two other civilizations. I’m good, the Altarians are neutral, just like our two opponents (the evil civilizations have been dusted). The Altarians plead for help. I don’t have spare ships, so I give them technology. Lots of technology. Enough military and morale technology to start an independent civilization, I’m thinking. The Altarians soldier on bravely, which they can afford to do since I’m taking the brunt of the beating from our enemies. Suddenly, the Altarians announce that they can no longer survive in a hostile universe, yadda yadda, so they’re going to throw in their lot with… the enemy. I don’t know which of the following lies at the heart of the problem, but either the text needs to change to something like: “Sadly, we now realize that our fate lies in the hands of our enemies. We must hope that by surrendering to our foes, we can persuade them to treat us as new allies and not as a beaten people.” In other words, something that attempts to explain exactly why they didn’t trust their ALLIES more than their enemies. Or, the game needs to keep track of ALL aid given to other civilizations, not just ships. (I’m assuming that aid determines the likelihood of a beaten civilization joining you.)

3 – Break Your Alliance or Die!
It would really be nice if we had the option of demanding that a civilization break its alliance with another civilization in return for peace. Otherwise, it is too easy to ride the Alliance Breaker (tm) roller coaster. That’s the one where you demand all of a civilization’s technology in return for peace, knowing that in the next turn or two they’ll have to honor an alliance and declare war on you. (So you don’t have to stand down the 12 combat transports you’ve got parked next to their closest planet.) I think it would also add to the diplomatic aspect of the game if your opponent were smart enough to know when they were being played. Then they might counter your offer by demanding that you end your war with their ally. (I’m pretty sure this has been requested before.)

I’m just sayin’, is all.

End transmission.

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#104  by Citizen Omni 11 - 10/9/2004 2:23:58 AM

This might have been said already but one thing I want is the ability to have a ship or fleet escort a tradeship without manualy having to move it each turn.

#105  by Citizen Toryn Star - 10/9/2004 7:37:30 AM

OK about the "planets as part of sector" bit, I dont get it.
If it means the planet is visible in the sector as an object like a ship that is ridiculous! According to the game manual each square is one cubic light year.(or square light year.)Our own system which has 9 planets (way more than anything in the game)is only 320 light minutes in size(radius) so the planets have to be in the same square as the star.

#106  by Citizen FuzzyMatrix - 10/9/2004 7:06:10 PM

Other possibilities for supply of the fleets that are out side our territory (or even our allies' territory). This time, these are things that could be put on a vessel (which I guess could also have a radius effects like SBs):

- Supply cargo: Bring with you pizza and oil for a 30 parsecs backpack trip!

- Autonomous supply: "Bi-o-power: carry your own ecosystem!" I guess it would ask a ship to be bigger, since it is not simply stocked supplies in boxes, but a whole system furnishing supplies.

#107  by Citizen FuzzyMatrix - 10/11/2004 6:41:24 AM

Hi again. I tried to figure out a very simplified version of my social-economical-political model.

Like Government in GalCiv1 with a few more elements; or like in Alpha Centauri. One could chose between 4 or 5 possibilities for each of a few caracteristics. An [b]EXAMPLE[/b] could be:

- Government structure (basically, something like GalCiv1: empire, republic, democracy...)

- Presence of robots vs humans (From "a nice life for everyone with trees and flowers", to robots produce more than humans and more is better. Affects moral, productivity, planet, demographics, or what you want)

- Economy (Neo-state-communism, free-trade-oriented capitalism, social-oriented capitalism, simili-fascist "production passes first of all" capitalist/state model...)

- Moral justification for power (prophetic Mankind-based patriotism: like Soviet "we are such a great group", based on liberal freedom "do what you want in your own backyard", survival/elevation of the fittest for the whole race's good)

And there's not that much of a need to make this a choice for each planet since it is a global general policy. I'm sure some would go in such planet management to specialize each, but it may not fit everyone. If you wish and manage to do as explained in last interview with "each planet is unique and different", I wont whine
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#108  by Citizen IAMJME - 10/13/2004 6:15:15 AM

I think dipolmacy is greatly undervalued in gal civ1. the UP offers no real imrovements other than the ability to trade with other civs. UP issues should be like SMAC where one every so many turns issues can be raised depending on the concensus of the galaxy. the ability to combine research with allied civs would be nice. allowing the increase of trade routes with allies would also be nice. this would give more depth to the game and would allow similarly alligned civs to work together for thier greater cause.

also if planets are single entities on the sector map can they be iindividually invaded?

Can't wait for galciv2 keep up the good work!!!1

#109  by Citizen IAMJME - 10/13/2004 5:25:43 PM

According to the game manual each square is one cubic light year.(or square light year.)Our own system which has 9 planets (way more than anything in the game)is only 320 light minutes in size(radius) so the planets have to be in the same square as the star.

don't you think thats just nit picking. i think visible planets is the best thing since sliced bread.

#110  by Ambassador Solitair - 10/14/2004 5:47:20 AM

Some more comments:

a) spare production capacity should automatically convert to something. This could be added as a technology with the conversion efficiency being something you could invest research in. Convert to trade, research, or transferred production to other planets in the system would all be useful.

b) Planetary culture. At the moment planetary moral in implemented. What would be excellent is if planets also had individual culture. This allow the population demographics to be mapped. 100% human would be an isolated human world. 90% drengin, 10% human could be a captured drengin world or a heavily culturally influenced drengin world. Planetary resistance to cultural influence, planetary rebellions, economic benefit, and laws would all be affected by the culture levels. Planet cultures would gradually change over time based on who owns the planet, government types, buildings and levels of cultural influence. New research topic could add enahnced cultural integration, specialised cultural buldings, occupational buildings, etc. Most importantly of all relationships with other races should be affected by cultures and vice versa. If you are at war with the Drengin then any planets with large Drengin culture should be far more likely to rebel with productivity and moral on those planets plumetting.

c) Planetary blockade: it should be possible for fleets in orbit within a system to blockade a planet. This should allow zero trade with the planet and if the planet is not self supporting should cause starvation and reduction in production.

d) quick build: I don't like the quick build feature seen in many games. i belive the original MOO got it right. You can pump more money into production and increase the speed, but you shouldn't be able ot buy something outright on a planet that doesn't have the capability to build it. This is most abused with the capture planet and quick build a new transport or defensive ship tactic.

e) insurgency: I would like to see invasions of planets taking a period of time to gain compelte control of a world and it's resources. In particular I would like to see far more buildings destroyed or at least partially damaged and needing rebuilding before a planet once again gains in usefulness. This would obviously all depend on cultural differences between the invaders and planet culture.

f) Local politics: Planets should have individual politics (if allowed by the empire type). A planet dominated by a peace party may refuse to build military vessels, or show delayed production of these vessels. A planet dominated by the green party may require twice the maintenance cost of production buildings. In the worst case a planet may make seperate peace with an enemy or even claim independence if the empire goes in the opposite direction. this would be very interesting if merged with the whole cultural and cultural influence issue.


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#111  by Citizen LORD EVIL STEVE - 10/14/2004 7:49:59 AM

my latest 2 cents.......i know *sigh*.....

1. Change 'look' (including ships) on governments rather than alignment. Encourage a link between government style and alignment. Use the more democratic styles to block decisions to go to war with 'friendly' AI's. Force players to change government to accomodate strats or change AI relationships (eg through ending trade) so that strats can be passed by senate.

2. consider an optional turn-based combat screen that utilises ship to ship combat strategies a la moo2. Has great terrain potential and allows for enhanced combat strategies. Also consider the construction of fleets of lower class ships (eg starfighters) and the merger of ships (eg starfighters and dreadnought) to form a ship (eg carrier)with enhanced capabilities greater than the some of its parts. A turn based combat screen could also be used for a combat campaign.

3. rethink role of minor races at higher levels. perhaps make them 'external' to the galaxy, thus involving new techs or % bonuses to those that 'settle' them within their empires. it might be more interesting to make them an advantage *and* a liability rather than simply independent but with no influence

i az ad 4 guinesses

nuff said

#112  by Citizen LORD EVIL STEVE - 10/14/2004 7:53:47 AM

oh and make an alliance victory last 6 turns....that'll separate the wheat from the chaff

#113  by Citizen Mystiqq - 10/16/2004 7:58:30 PM

2. consider an optional turn-based combat screen that utilises ship to ship combat strategies a la moo2. Has great terrain potential and allows for enhanced combat strategies. Also consider the construction of fleets of lower class ships (eg starfighters) and the merger of ships (eg starfighters and dreadnought) to form a ship (eg carrier)with enhanced capabilities greater than the some of its parts. A turn based combat screen could also be used for a combat campaign.

I really hope they include the MOO2 type of combat. Oh well...

#114  by Citizen Fragger Type XP - 10/18/2004 2:49:38 PM

I don't know if this has been mentioned, but GalCiv. II should have these ideas:

1 - Liberation: Ability to Liberate other Civilizations either Allied or Neutral. (It kinda sucks when all the other civilizations are wiped out forever...)

2 - Planet's Inhabitants: The ability to KNOW what race occupies that planet, especially when it has been occupied by either the Player or another Civilization. Useful for Insurrections or Cooperation level.

3 - Allies: Ability to move ships into Allies planets for military defense. (Original GalCiv. doesn't have this option.)

4 - Protectorate: Ability to make weaker civilizations that have offered to surrender to either Allied or Hostile forces into a "Protectorate" (Puppet) of the other civilization.

#115  by Citizen Fragger Type XP - 10/18/2004 3:48:10 PM

Also, is it possible to have Political/Religious Asylum events? Many of the Mods are awesome, hopefully that gets included in GalCiv. II once it has been checked for text errors and compatability inconsistencies by StarDock.

#116  by Citizen Fragger Type XP - 10/18/2004 4:12:35 PM

So far, these are the Mods that I have continuously installed in my GalCiv. Though some of them are not StarDock Certified, these Mods are awesome nonetheless.

1: Advanced Transports and Freighters
2: Amazonia
3: Aquafins
4: Atlantis
5: CDG Party Pack
6: Darkworld
7: Encounter with Precursors
8: Equatorial Virus
9: Goddess Event
10: Hero Terrorist
11: Leather Goddesses Revised
12: Museum Incident
13: Pleasure Unit Revised
14: Precursor Station
15: Puppet Masters
16: Rescue the Space Princess
17: Sunken Alien Ship
18: The Aqua Fortress
19: The Matrix
20: Goods
21: StarField
22: StarField Replacement
23: Omega Pack
24: Monstrous Mod v.2.0
25: Improved Trade Route Image
26: New Terran Logo

Any way to include these in GalCiv. II? Like a ModPack or whatnot. The Goods is a must that's for sure.

Also, any way to make the Fighters more flexible? Usually, the Fighters usefullness wains as more advanced Capital Ships are available. Is there a way to make Fighters in Galciv. II more durable by being able to install 1 specialized weapons platform and 1 specialized defense system? Along with a specialized Doctrine to optimize their Offensive/Defensive values. I.E.

Weapons - Mass Driver
Armor - Point Laser Defense

First-Strike Specialty (Chance to Destroy Hostile in First-Strike. Weak against Counter-Attacks)
Counter-Attack Specialty (Chance to Destroy Hostile in Counter-Attack against normal assault. Weak against First-Strike.)

This should help balance out the Capital Ships dominance should the computer/player concentrate too much on Capital Ships, there would be inexpensive Fighters that could counter the expensive Capital Ships.

With the introduction of Logistics in Galciv. II, will there be fuel/supplies introduced as well? It is kind of weird to be able to move ships indefinitely in space without having to dock for supplies/fuel. As for the Fighters? Shouldn't they have the Space version of Aircraft Carriers for Offensive Operations beyond the civilizations Solar System since their range should be limited? Also, the Aircraft Carriers should have a limited space for Fighters, but with advances in cargo hold for Fighters as the Technology/Ship Quality/Ship Design becomes more advanced.

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#117  by Citizen Fragger Type XP - 10/18/2004 4:27:29 PM

One more thing as my brain spews out all these ideas:

Ability to research/choose between different kinds of Governments:

Advanced Democracy
Advanced Republic
Advanced Communism
Advanced Fundamentalism
Advanced Theocracy
Advanced Monarchy
Advanced Dictatorship
Advanced Socialism
Corporate Republic

Hopefully they could have their own logo with specialized ship types/designs along with how each handle internal/foreign policies.

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#118  by Citizen FuzzyMatrix - 10/19/2004 8:32:20 AM

Simple battle orders:
"attack this type of ship first, as a primary objective" (such as killing support ships, bombers, offensive ships, TRANSPORTS, those with plasma...)
"defend those at all cost"
"only try to escape and evade damage"
"make loopings to impress the adversary"...

It's just an idea, but it seems likely to permit some strategies.
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#119  by Veteran CaptainBizarre - 10/23/2004 4:57:51 AM

Here are four suggestions from a modding perspective:

1. Allow us to tie events to the tech tree, so that we can create moral dilemmas that only occur once a certain technology has been researched.

2. Add to the Events descriptors so that we can simultaneously give bonuses and penalties for Events that have broader consequences.

3. Re-organize the tech categories.
For example, 1-Biology (Medical and Life Sciences/PQ), 2-Industry (Production), 3-Military (Defence, Weapons, Soldiers), 4-Communications (Diplomacy, Trade), 5-Propulsion, 6-Materials (Armor, Construction), 7-Computers (Research), 8-Sociology (Education, Influence, Loyalty).

4. Then, re-organize the tech tree so that all tech ID numbers begin with the number of their tech category. The bother of re-ordering the tech numbers for Mods is a short-lived pain, and it would make Mod management so much easier.
For example, [TECH 1000 MedicalTheory], [TECH 3001 DefenceTheory], [TECH 3002 WeaponsTheory].

5. Make the game addictive. Uh, never mind that last bit.

End transmission.

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#120  by Citizen os2wiz - 10/23/2004 9:45:27 AM

I have repeatedly asked for the ability to custom design ships as far as weaponry and hull
stength and propulsion capabilities. This was all possible on the old Galciv Gold with Shipyards that was made for the os/2 operating system. Why is this being denied to current Gal Civ users????

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#121  by Citizen Wrigley22 - 10/24/2004 1:23:58 PM

I have a suggestion.

The United Planets has a lot of potential. I think it should be added to in Galciv2. Something along the lines of the Planetary Council in Alpha Centauri would be nice. Any civilization (including the player) could call a meeting (but meeting couldn't happen more often than once in X turns) to take a vote on a number of issues. Civilizations would have the option to bribe another civ into voting your way. The UP could also elect a galactic governor every few years who would recieve extra trade routes and some espionage on other civilizations.

#122  by Citizen Orthum - 10/24/2004 8:55:27 PM

Ok, maybe I'm just a little speical in this regard but I realy suck badly with this whole economy thing. I am bad at balancing my budget and not being whiped off the face of the universe, so maybe some races or governments that don't use money? other resources? or just use production points? and the more ships the less you have IE their producing matinence? its a little far fetched but I can dream...

One thing I do if at all possable in any 4x game, I hate having to have stationary planets. Its crazy yes, but I like either being a race who has ships and builds up from them (orbit a planet and feed from its resources) or I condense as much as I can into core worlds, having a few massive planets instead of many smaller ones... Or even one super capitol planet, which I crush the other worlds into... not at a perfect aspect, maybe, for every, 10 planet points the other worlds had, I get, 1-2 in the big one...

Also the one big thing, I like to do which would be great when my other 2 idea's a shotdown. Massive ships, that might have a population, but have shipyards! IE, I can have a big heavy battle ship sitting in their backyard, pumping out more ships. That way, I don't have to worry about, my ships being wiped out so much and waiting to get reinforcments to them... just an idea... I have lots like this.... so... heh I'll stop here...

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#123  by Citizen Walldorf2000 - 10/25/2004 3:45:16 AM

#119 by Veteran Captain Bizarre - 10/23/2004 4:57:51 AM
4. Then, re-organize the tech tree so that all tech ID numbers begin with the number of their tech category. The bother of re-ordering the tech numbers for Mods is a short-lived pain, and it would make Mod management so much easier.
For example, [TECH 1000 MedicalTheory], [TECH 3001 DefenceTheory], [TECH 3002 WeaponsTheory].

I think we should get rid of these pesky numbers at all. Stardock could use a reserved number range for their techs, parties etc. But mods should be Id-number-free. It should be enough to have a unique name.

The mod files are stored in the save games anyway. When you need the Ids internally to save space you could renumber them automatically when a game is started. Or create an Idname translation page.

#124  by Citizen Cyong_ - 10/27/2004 10:21:45 PM

Do you need any help at all with galciv 2....I would be more than willing to help...just send an email to Email

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