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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Bug Reports
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#25  by Citizen Necroform - 12/26/2004 12:08:19 AM

okay but i dont see the link where is it?

#26  by Citizen Pyro411 - 12/30/2004 9:38:51 AM

I'm having a strange issue with AP.

When I start the first mission in the AP compaign after prelude to war I'm greated with a blank screen after the briefing I get a blank template of what you'll normaly see when you first start the game. No data shows up as to what you can research, planitary data, ship data, etc and when I go to view the base map all I see is red then if I try to do anything it crashes back to the desktop.

Here's my standard info
Windows XP SP1 w/ all patches "SP2 is just evil"
Galactic Civ version 1.22.101
Multimedia 1.0.016 installed
AP 1.52b.013

I've tried re-installing AP & running without patches but I get no love from that, still the same prob.

#27  by Citizen Admiral Tolwyn - 12/31/2004 3:31:46 AM

The bug I am experiencing happens in between the turn before the the galactic council meets. It's most prevalent when I'm hitting the turn key rapidly.

#28  by Citizen Chippoka - 12/31/2004 11:06:33 AM

Maybe it's just me, but in AP, I have all available Invasion methods appearing available whenever I invade with my transports, yet, in the invasion data file, the technology requirement field is filled in with a legit technology needed to be discovered prior to that invasion method being made available. I have used GC Writer to check things, and all is ok. I am using tech and imp mods with no other difficulties other than this. The invasion files are in the Mod/Data/Invasion folder as required. Any ideas? Or is this a bug?

In particular, I want the invasion method "Assimilation" (from a mod I got from this site) to not appear until the player has discovered the "Assimilation" technology. All seems proper at this point...

#29  by Citizen Chippoka - 1/1/2005 11:00:38 AM

In AP, why do game graphic in rare instances sometimes come to a near stand-still needing a minute or two before completing a simple ship weapons firing sequence and an enemy ship subsequent explosion (also needing a few minutes)? I use a high end PC (if that matters). It happens if mods are used or not. Has anyone else had this problem?

#30  by Citizen Darkness636 - 1/1/2005 11:32:56 AM

Well i can not play the ap main campaign the pelude to war works and the random map works but not the main one every time i try to play it it shows the interface with nothing on it and a minute or so later crashes to desktop i have the latest patch

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#31  by Citizen AngleWyrm - 1/6/2005 1:22:18 PM

Feighter Behavior Anomoly

When a freighter arrives at it's destination, a trade route starts from the origin. This is subject to abuse, because it is a rather confusing way to enforce the numbers.

What I end up doing is purchasing freighters, fresh out of alien ports, and then have them turn right around and land at their original construction hanger. Saves me a trip.

I notice the AI does not do this; instead it ships the freighters home first, then sets up a trade route from there. I can sell them a freighter, they'll take it home, and then I can buy it back and land on their world (if it looks like they are going to trade with someone else).

So what we have is the player is allowed to remove the freighter trip by purchasing an alien freighter. Saves a lot of time. The AI is forced to double the trip when it purchases an alien freighter, losing a lot of time.

What seems to make the most sense to me is that a freighter should make the trade-route trip exactly once. Then the trade route begins.

#32  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 1/6/2005 4:42:59 PM

What seems to make the most sense to me is that a freighter should make the trade-route trip exactly once.

Are you asking for removing the ability to buy freighter from AI? Because it is a really useful behavior on gigantic map.

#33  by Citizen AngleWyrm - 1/6/2005 9:51:46 PM

Are you asking for removing the ability to buy freighter from AI?

No, I'm pointing out a discrepency between the way AI uses freighter purchases and the way players use them. When a player buys/trades for a freighter, the player can then move it directly to the nearest alien world.

The AI does not do this. Currently, the AI sends the newly acquired freighter to one of it's worlds, and then sends it to an alien world.

The outcome is that a player gets results out of a freighter purchase much quicker than the AI does. This is an unfair disadvantage to the AI.

[Message Edited]

#34  by Diplomat Blue_Steel - 1/7/2005 10:07:42 PM

Bugs Reported to Cari,

3) Autosurvay 's first route line doesn't show on the mini map.. until you reach the first anomoly.. from then on its displaying fine..

Mod dir bugs reported to Cari,

1) in AP with mods sctivated its not picking up the GC/mods/events or the GC/mods/music Dir's

2)If you include a GCTech.Tech file in the Mods/data direcrory (either the GC or AP) It slows down the opening of the Menu options game sc reen during the game.. this problem gets less apparent the more techs you have researched

Cari is looking into these reproducable bugs.. Thanks Cari,

#35  by Citizen AngleWyrm - 1/9/2005 4:29:49 AM

Starship Name Box
The names don't fit the box in the main display; all my phoenix ships display as "USS Phoenix 14", dropping the last two identifying digits.
This makes the name box useless info, and I end up going through and renaming them "Phoenix 1422", "Phoenix 1423", etc. so that I can see their name on the main display without clicking "info".
Why care? This info is what is needed to sell/gift/trade a ship.

Is there some text file that lists the default names, so that I can shorten them?

[Message Edited]

#36  by Citizen Walldorf2000 - 1/11/2005 6:34:03 AM

Hi CariElf,

when you are looking for something to work in I would be very happy when you could fix the calculation of the remaining research months.

Currently it uses the free research of the last month and not the free research of the current month. Thus it is usually wrong once you got some research abilities.

The information must already be somewhere burried in the code. Thus it should not be too hard to fix it.

I just wrote the same here Link
but this thread seems to be better suited.

I know that this bug was mentioned before and that you are very bussy with many tasks but sometimes it is helpfull to get a reminder and to do something different

Thank you for listening and for all you already did for us

#37  by Citizen Daynarr - 1/23/2005 10:59:55 PM

I've finished Altarian campaign and when I try to submit it I get an error message saying that game was using unauthorized map or scenario and that if I got that message in error I should submit it here.

Since it's an official campaign I guess I got that message in error.

I still have an ending save game and can send it to you if you want to take a look at it.

#38  by Citizen Walldorf2000 - 1/27/2005 9:00:26 AM

Ship battles take veeeeery long (minutes for two ships). And this is a 3.2 GHz machine with hyperthreading and 2GByte RAM! The machine is totally blocked and you can watch the ships to turn towards each other and the bullets moving in very slow motion.

It's a bussiness computer with Intel 82865G graphics.

I updated with the newest drivers from Intel and the newest DirectX version from Microsoft. It did not help at all.

Switch of SoundFX did not help either.

The only thing which helped was to switch of ship battle.

This is fine with me. I don't need a fix for this issue. As far I know the code will be totally different in GC2.

I just wanted to inform Stardock and other gamers in case someone else runs into it.

#39  by Citizen PollutionZero - 1/31/2005 11:48:43 PM

I know why it's rebooting your computer alot. It's doing it to mine too. It ONLY happens when you have passed the -500 BC mark, and owe money for leases (purchases on a plan, like to Mitrosoft). It BSoD then reboots. That's the symptom, and when it's doing it.

#40  by Citizen Martin the Dane - 2/5/2005 3:29:30 PM

Oops all anomalies disappeared!

The way I play the game it takes me at least a couple of days to play each game, so I do have to save the game and come back to it later. When I loaded my current game today each and every anomaly I had uncovered, but not yet investigated had disappeared, and I have not uncovered a single anomaly today. I know for certain that at most of the anomalities cannot have been investigated by any of the AI players on that turn: there were simply too many and they were to widely spread for that to happen.

So now, in stead of having one or two anomaly disappear on reload as have been reported by several players including myself, they all vanish. Will this be fixed? I can probably supply you (CariElf) with a set of save-games that show the behavior.

#41  by Citizen Max12 - 2/8/2005 10:04:23 AM

the new version of skin studio professional 4,51 doasn't work extracting visualfiles like the previous ... it downloads them but you can't install them and see them on the prewiev ... you can't neither go back to restore the previous version 4,50,43 that worked perfect !!!!! Please try to solve the problem !

#42  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 2/8/2005 10:51:26 AM

the new version of skin studio professional 4,51 doasn't work extracting visualfiles like the previous ... it downloads them but you can't install them and see them on the prewiev ... you can't neither go back to restore the previous version 4,50,43 that worked perfect !!!!! Please try to solve the problem !

Well, you are in a Galactic Civilization Forum and not in a Object Desktop forum. You should try to post this bug report in another place.

#43  by Citizen Martin the Dane - 2/8/2005 3:39:21 PM

Another Tech Cost calculation bug?

I noticed that at times techs cost more than what it says in the relevant .tech file, while at other times the number and actual cost is correct. This time I started noticing this discrepancy when I got a few Research Labs running.
My current tech is Advanced Engineering. In GCTech.TECH the cost is 400, but I have to spend a total of 448 on it. (The number has been calculated by reloading and setting research spending to 1 bc, confirmed by trying with 449 and 444 respectively.)

#44  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 2/8/2005 4:16:17 PM

I think that there is an increase of cost when researching a tech based on the techs you already know.
But I could be wrong.

#45  by Citizen Martin the Dane - 2/8/2005 5:56:20 PM

Might be right, sounds logical, but in that case Stardoc forgot to mention it.
But anyway the important issue with regard to tech-cost and calculation is the free-beaker issue.

As far as I'm conserned there are two major bugs in GC/AP: (Might have something to do with my playing style)

1) Turn to completion (ttc) is not calculated right. Ex. 10pp left on a project, the planet produces 5pp/turn, the reported ttc is 2 while it should be 1.

2) The free research points used in ttc for research projects is one turn old, and thus worse than useless. Either don't use the old numbers, or recalculate.

Those two issues takes a huge chunk out of the fun of playing GC/AP for me. Please fix them. As it is now, I often find myself wasting a lot of time fighting the UI, In stead of enjoying actually playing the game and fighting the AI. (I presume that that's the aim of the game)

#46  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 2/9/2005 2:33:24 AM

Those two issues takes a huge chunk out of the fun of playing GC/AP for me. Please fix them.

Since these issues are here since lots of time (as well as request to fix them), I guess they won't be fixed for GC1/AP. But we can watch them in GC2.

#47  by Citizen Martin the Dane - 2/9/2005 9:48:39 AM

I know, I know, but they still need fixing.

#48  by Citizen Lotherius - 2/9/2005 8:55:09 PM

I'm having the crash to desktop when using the Menu bug - please fix this! The game plays fine, but not being able to go into the menus REALLY SUCKS.

Second, I received unauthorized scenario error when trying to submit metaverse scores on my AP game. This makes no sense, as I haven't modded the game.

#49  by Diplomat Arturus Magi - 2/12/2005 1:55:40 AM

I noticed that at times techs cost more than what it says in the relevant .tech file, while at other times the number and actual cost is correct.

Every tech you research increases the cost of future techs by a cumulative 1%. Usually it's not noticed because your research will usually increase faster than the research cost penalty does.

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