Introduction & Questions (of course... newbie)
Mahlzeit Everyone!
Introducing myself as a newbie to Galactic Civilizations, I am curious about some parts of the game and -version.
I bought the GC just some days ago at my retailer´s, and I´m now experiencing the in-game-strategies as I advance through the game. Which is the German Version 1.05. Well, going the cakewalk on a gigantic map And now, as my frustration about the lame instruction booklet is literally gone, I am now looking for clues. You should first know, that I already went throughall the headlines of the subjects in this Board, so please don´t feel bothered to repeat all the same answeres (I might have not found by own mistake).
Ok here we go:
- Defections
I experienced that a minor civilization was defecting and joining mine. Great I thought, without any big efforts. But now I am at the point where I want to give some boost to my luck. I built a StarBase at one adjacent sector of a star system´s sector of a major civilization (in this case: the only star system of their´s), have more influence than them (though not twice as much), but more.
Is there any rule to the Propaganda Settings, at which mc-level an effect on the "enemy civilization" occurs? I noticed some break-even-points in accumulated spendings for espionage until "advanced", so I´m just wondering if there is also a related scheme to propaganda.
How can I influence a minor race by my own will to defect ? In two sectors inhabited with minor races, my influence presently approx. 1200 vs. theirs 200 and still all of their people are quite happy.
- German Version 1.20
Big thanks to Icho Tolot, but I also noticed a patch at galciv.de... one single exe file at 20MB !!! ... but Icho´s zipped files only peaks to approx. 200KB. What shall I do ? (Sorry, that´s really a newbie question... but I just want to go with the right patch ).
Thank you for your help !!!
Haven´t had the chance to write english for more than 4 years, so please keep me still in one piece
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Big thanks to Icho Tolot, but I also noticed a patch at galciv.de... one single exe file at 20MB !!! ... but Icho´s zipped files only peaks to approx. 200KB. What shall I do ? (Sorry, that´s really a newbie question... but I just want to go with the right patch |
Icho Tolot has tranlsated all texts files for 1.20. The patch at galciv.de will allow you to have the expanded universe expandion and the latest version (or near) of the game.
SO you should download the patch from galciv.de , install it and after, use Icho Tolot's files.
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Yep, my files will only be good if you have at least an 1.12 english version installed (after the Expanded Universe Pack). It is the same version as the one galciv.de (but mine has better typo ) has.
But you realy should instakll theirs first (it has all the media upgrades)
The funy thing is of cause that my version is half a year old, theirs a few months, and we had half a dozen engilsh upgrades in between.
Hatte halt keine Zeit eine neue deutsche version zu machen
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Peace Phoenix you must be lurking here 24 hrs a day!
Welcome Galactic Knight! Some minors will not flip very easy if at all. Alexians are the only minor race I know of that will flip easily. A few others will also but you need mega influence for it to work.
The Manual is a bit outdated I think.
Be sure to stop in at NeoTech Games Link it is one of many fansites and good resource for Galciv and Mods including Icho Tolot Modding Cooperation. (I hope you do mind pluggin you Icho!)
This is Desert Fox changed my name for the Empire.
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Willkommen Knight
Du solltest Dir die aktuelle englische Version runterladen (Du brauchst nur Deine Seriennummer). Danach kannst Du Ichos Patch installieren. Dadurch bist Du die blöde Kopiersperre (CD wird verlangt) der deutschen Version los.
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Thanks everybody for the nice welcome (i really did not expect reactions THAT quick ! )
I´m still going with my very first mission lol, even it now takes more than 40 hours or somethin´. Still I really did not get the point for calculated cultural "impression" ... but it was quite amusing to see the Yor completely surrendering to me (due to their economic desaster stricking their morality to bottom ?). First I thought it had a connection with the location of own starbases (equipped with nice cultural supplies directly next to sectors of enemies´ star systems) but the Yor´s incident turned my theory wrong, as it is for most present minor civs, too. I will test to place starbases directly into a sector with a foreign star system to get a feeling of the increase of cultural influence (and the behaviour of the different races). I just think there is a special base factor to the percentage for every civilizations to flip. May I ask... is it a big secret or kept so confidential that it will only be distributed as member of an empire ? Fun anyway, I was still not engaged into war yet and now there are only two major civs left, with the Drengin only having one single star system left
So far so good, still not tested so many aspects of the game yet but that will be done on normal next time. Then I will go with an evil alignment (presently mine is 100 ) and see.
Hätte ich aber nich gedacht dass hier tatsächlich auch ein paar deutschsprachige Gamer rumlungern hehe... Hier sind aber auch echte Hardcore-Fans am Start, mein lieber Scholli ! Und wenn man sich dann mal die Punktzahlen anguckt, pro Spiel fast immer am Max... obwohl ich den "Zuerst Karte aufdecken"-Trick ein wenig... naja... sagen wir mal unprofessionell empfinde, aber dazu gab es vermutlich eh schon harte Auseinandersetzungen, ich lass daher besser mal meine Fingers ausserhalb der klaffenden Wunde
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Got first blood yesterday evening, finally finished the game before it turned tideous on cakewalk (however not yet submitted to metaverse, but game saved last round). At the Overall score overview I had two scores: one showing "pts", the other "Mpts" or something like that. What is the difference ?
Anyway, compared to all of you guys playing this game on MASO blindly, I still feel like a small bug but I´m growing hahaha *yeah unleash the Star-Sheep-Troopers*
O.K. I will upload my score right this evening even I am quite surprised, but maybe that´s the reward for more than 50 hours of gameplay on that single map
Ehm... one more question if I may!
I bought the german version, and I´m going to follow Walldorf2000´s instructions (I expect to have completely translated german version after all). But does anyone knows whether (ModernGames???) the distributor also releases the Gold Version including AP?
Thanks !
Sorry if sometimes my english sounds too gay, as if I have a stick or somethin´ in my butt, but that´s the language I learned and yet had no opportunity to "real talk" to native speaker...
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The Mpts will be displayed in the Metaverse, the others are the "real points", but they don't have a real function.
I have not heared about ModernGames releasing a Gold version.
If I were you, I would buy a Totalgaming.net subscribtion, it costs a bit more then Gold, but you get AP and all other games released via TG for one year (including GC2 if its out within the year) without any extra charge.
Das ist das leiden derer die nur unser Schulenglisch kennen (Oxford Dictionary läßt grüssen) und nicht das glück hatten wie ich zweisprachig auf zu wachsen
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good to know that ! I remember that was about 8300 Mpts (with the other score ~32000) but let´s see what metaverse shows - hope that´s not too bad for first run.
However it takes me too long to control everything every turn. Way too long ! I focused on few aspects as I said, but I recognized many, though surely not all. I´m not aware of diplomatic behaviour of all civs. Did only get a slight feeling about their aggression rate. Did not adjust the single distribution sliders, just looked for a medium morality 54% intuitevely, set income adjustments and own propaganda. There´s still lots to do. But I´m gonna make it
Ja Icho, is schon manchmal bitter... Redewendungen und all sowas dass sich das auch gut anhört lernt man ja nicht in der Schule. Bin aber überhaupt mal froh was auf englisch schreiben zu können - beruflich komme ich auch nur zum lesen von engl. Fachliteratur, und schreiben ist halt´n paar Jahre her und mir fehlt die Übung. Auch wenn ich da mehr als nur einfaches Schulenglisch gelernt habe - naja... ist mal ne prima Auffrischung hier mit dem GalCiv Forum, nützlich und unterhaltsam zugleich
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just looked for a medium morality 54% |
Not good. You need to have all of your planets with a morality greater than 54% if you want that their population increase (100% is better at the beginning of the game)
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@Peace Phoenix:
Jop, I´m at your site ! Meanwhile I learnt 100% doubles the population growth, which determines at the beginning whether to sustain or decease, at least in higher difficulties. Me thinks to take care of the lest moral planets and keep it at 54% in the later game stages is enough, since it keeps population growth running.
That and many many more strategic advices for beginners were however nowhere stated in the german manual on disk and booklet (give us those old-school style manuals back !!! ) , to repeat: I´m not amused about that. I always read the manuals completely before playing.(Compared to the orig. US pdf-Manual I got with my update to 1.20 yesterday, the german one ist nothing but a fart). How can one master a game when he even does not know the fundamental functions ?
Aaaarrrghhh.... I better should calm down...
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Meanwhile I learnt 100% doubles the population growth, which determines at the beginning whether to sustain or decease, at least in higher difficulties. Me thinks to take care of the lest moral planets and keep it at 54% in the later game stages is enough, since it keeps population growth running. |
well, this thread Link and especially post #15 have some informations about the combination of morale, pop growth bonus and population size.
So at the latest stages of the game, a morale of 54 is enough to get the maximum pop increase on populated planets.
More, if you look carefully, there are some production penalties for having a low morale. Just play with the taxes slider and see how expenses drop down with the morale.
And at the beginning, to fear to have a 100% spending rate as long as your treasury is positive
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Yeah that´s what I call a gun
Yes Sir, I will follow your orders *sigh*
But may I continue to ask:
-Can I go with treasury until -500 cash without losing morale ?
-Has Planet Quality an impact on pop growth, too ?
-Is there a guide showing max. number of population allowed when colonizing a planet, without suffering overpopulation and thus lesser morale ?
-How can I determine my success chances in advance, when sending troopers to opponents planets (going with traditional warfare). Need a feeling for this, without (bad) luck and soldiering, to assume 100% success.
-What exactly are the differences between Version 1.05 and Version 1.20 ? When patching it showed me the message "look for difference in txt-file XXX", but actually there was no such a file installed.
Playing with the sliders is my next task, I mean the distribution sliders. Hell of work ! I figured out that´s the point where the difference goes, at least at the very beginning. If you manage the sliders carefully, you often get one or two turns "for free" and avoid wasting turns (obviously the decimals will be cut to zero). It´s really that one or two percents that count - and that´s what takes a lot of time each turn at the beginning, but you get the advantage. And on top: There is no rule for the perfect formula in my opionion. PQ, the political party, bonuses etc. have a massive impact, but you can go with approximate figures and adjust it by case, depending on the situation and what the priorities are. Thinking of having the next dozen games lots of experiments .
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But may I continue to ask:
- Can I go with treasury until -500 cash without losing morale ? |
You surely can, but there are annoying side effects:
- a negative treasure mens that you wont able to rushbuy near complet social project: when 1 social BC is missing, you need just to spend 8 BC from your treasury to complete it
- as soon as your treasury go beyond -500 BC, all project are stopped. This can be nasty if an alien come and ask to you to give them BC or die.
- Has Planet Quality an impact on pop growth, too ? |
No directly. The PQ has an influence on the limit at which unhappiness will appears: the greater the PQ, the more populated the planet can be before morale starts to drop.
-Is there a guide showing max. number of population allowed when colonizing a planet, without suffering overpopulation and thus lesser morale ? |
I don't think so. 2 mains variable must be taken in account for morale uppon colonization:
- PQ of the planet
- your empire wide morale bonus
- How can I determine my success chances in advance, when sending troopers to opponents planets (going with traditional warfare). Need a feeling for this, without (bad) luck and soldiering, to assume 100% success. |
I am not sure that it is possible
- What exactly are the differences between Version 1.05 and Version 1.20 ? When patching it showed me the message "look for difference in txt-file XXX", but actually there was no such a file installed. |
Well, this link might help you Link
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I really feel almost home here - thank you all again for all your help !!! (really did not expect that, as I thought of language probs or no one who´s interested for a 2 years old game with it´s successor in preparation)
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really did not expect that, as I thought of language probs or no one who´s interested for a 2 years old game with it´s successor in preparation |
Well, language isn't really a problem. And I think I am correctly placed for this: I am french, living in France
And a "bit inactive forum" doesn't equal to "nobody lurking"
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Sure I see, you´re lurking for good portion, as Mr. Spook said: 24/7 .
Well you seem to know how to handle with language, in any case I have the impression your´s much better than my english. So I´m somewhat happy that I am being "understood" hehe
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I can't tell you how many posts I've seen where people just randomly write "hey PP can you have a look at this..." |
Well, I am pretty sure that some were linked with metaverse calculations
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I know the principle and the formula, but the speed with which he does it is nothing short of magical |
Nope: it is called Copy and Paste + Excel Spread sheet
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