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Why can't my Colony Ship land?
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by Citizen Gunhawk - 1/12/2006 12:03:15 AM

I've just started and I'm playing at the beginner level.

I built my 3rd Colony Ship and sent it to a system with a likely looking planet, but I can't move my ship onto the planet. I did it on two other planets, but for some reason I can't on this one. Any ideas?



#1  by Citizen Walldorf2000 - 1/12/2006 5:19:43 AM

The star is not yet occupie ba another race? Sorry, but I don't have another idea

#2  by Citizen Herrbear - 1/18/2006 12:04:58 AM


[Message Edited]

#3  by Citizen Darf G - 2/16/2006 10:16:10 AM

The planet is not in habitable,
u know where u pik wat type planet u want. if no type u cant land i found tat out and hatd it lol i think its cause minor races use them

#4  by Citizen Walldorf2000 - 2/17/2006 10:18:16 AM

Maybe you got mixed up with stars and planets?

You need to move the ship on a star which does have planets

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