Anyone have any ideas about why scores are not being accepted now? I haven't been able to upload since 3/28/09. I understand not many people still do but it is still more fun to play GC1 than 2. I emailed GC1 contact but got no response.
nuts.. and I was thining about dusting off this game and starting to play it again to submit scores, etc.
by Citizen Dragonshrike - 4/26/2009 11:13:37 AM
Hi Beastmaster!
I've finally received an answer from Stardock support. They are aware of the problem and stated it is on the WebDeveloper's list of fixes. However, it has been almost a month since it broke, they also told me there is no estimated fix date, therefore it is obviously low on their list of priorities.
Fixing things on their website for these Gal Civ games doesn't seem to be a priority.
Gal Civ II website, the search engine that they provide doesn't work, and has not worked in many months of going to it from time to time to check on it.