Galactic Civilization

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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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JavaScout's Galactic Civilizations Database 1.01.029
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#75  by Citizen LightFifty - 6/18/2003 9:36:05 PM

Any chance of getting the techs and ships in the library added?

#76  by Ambassador JavaScout - 6/19/2003 1:31:18 AM

I might do that it tends to add a lot into the tree but I will give it a try and see what it looks like. Hopefully I can gives this a try this weekend.

#77  by Ambassador JavaScout - 6/24/2003 1:43:02 AM

Had a busy weekend. Guess it will be next weekend before I can work on this.

          Posted via Stardock Central
#78  by Citizen CypherPax - 7/14/2003 4:57:29 PM


This is an excellent resource. Thank you so much for the time and effort it must have taken to build this.

- Cypher

#79  by Citizen LightFifty - 7/19/2003 8:43:26 AM

Noticed that there is a few of you using this (awesome) site offline - so do I.

What I'd really like to do is burn this to a cd (permanent resource in my game box) but every time I try putting the content in a different place (directory or cd) all the links are broken.

Help would be greatly appreciated.

#80  by Ambassador Lucky_Jack - 8/7/2003 6:36:50 PM

Hi Java,
Do you have a tree for the XP (1.09B)?

#81  by Veteran Nand1 - 10/5/2003 4:47:12 PM

When is this gonna be updated for the Xpack?

#82  by Diplomat Arturus Magi - 10/6/2003 4:08:15 AM

What I'd really like to do is burn this to a cd (permanent resource in my game box) but every time I try putting the content in a different place (directory or cd) all the links are broken.

You need to change the links to point to the new locations. If you have access to GNU tools or a Unix system (or can download and install Cygwin Link ), you could try using wget to pull the site, it will make the changes automatically. I'm not aware of any other Windows tools to do this, but I know they exist (and I'm sure wget has been ported to non-Cygwin Windows at some point; most other GNU tools that don't have filesystem related functions have been.)

       Posted via Stardock Central
#83  by Ambassador JavaScout - 10/8/2003 12:59:00 AM

Ok my site is finally updated with the Expansion Pack.
Enjoy Link

#84  by Citizen elmo3 - 10/8/2003 12:35:45 PM

Great work. Thanks!

#85  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 10/8/2003 1:44:36 PM

Thanks, JavaScout! This should help a lot of ppl.

#86  by Veteran Disciple777 - 10/8/2003 2:55:04 PM

Good job bud.

#87  by Citizen Korwyn - 10/27/2003 2:34:13 PM

Hey Javascout, you mentioned that you were getting close to your disc allocation limit? Do you need some additional space? I could throw a couplg of GB your way on a pretty good sized pipe if you'd like. email me at Email if you'd like to talk.

#88  by Veteran Disciple777 - 10/27/2003 4:32:25 PM

Good work

#89  by Veteran Disciple777 - 10/27/2003 4:32:49 PM

If you want to print all the pages how many do you think they will be.

#90  by Ambassador JavaScout - 10/28/2003 4:07:31 AM

379 html pages

Best bet is to use the quick reference in pdf format which is 20 pages

#91  by Ambassador JavaScout - 11/18/2003 1:50:47 AM

Website updated with the latest build

#92  by Citizen lhetre - 1/12/2004 12:00:06 PM

excellent site, it was my first contact with the tech tree, had time to learn a little before playing

hem ... how much is the maintenance cost of terror stars ?

and Link this is OmniScience (with an "s") (please don't hit me too hard)

#93  by Veteran Disciple777 - 1/12/2004 12:13:35 PM

I will say that the cost for starbase is 10, no seen anything about how much a Terror Star cost.

#94  by Citizen Hermann the Lombard - 1/12/2004 12:54:17 PM

I believe the starbase maintenance cost is 10bc + 1bc per module. So the "plain vanilla terror star" should have a maintenance cost of 14bc. Now if you want to amortize the 5000 bc in five-year straight-line depreciation...

#95  by Citizen lhetre - 1/12/2004 5:59:34 PM

I read somewhere the cost was 100 bc

#96  by Citizen Carnifex - 1/26/2004 3:46:02 PM

I've been lookin' for somethin' like this.. Thank-You.

#97  by Citizen Arkdoz - 2/1/2004 5:55:49 AM

Great job

#98  by Citizen Walldorf2000 - 2/19/2004 1:23:01 PM

Hi, there is new stuff to add
+ New Achievement: Logistics Management
+ New Technology: Basic Logistics (Requires Industiral Theory)

#99  by Ambassador JavaScout - 2/22/2004 2:47:24 AM

Site updated from latest 1.20.085 build. Link


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