by Citizen stormgiant - 11/28/2003 10:26:31 PM
The Link is bad....poooh
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I have been away for a while. When I got busy my Galactic Beauties was the only Media mod. This was to my surprise as Bink files and such are so easy to mod. I'm a Star Trek kind of guy but I sure am glad to see the people getting what they want. I know it took you a lot of time and even if the thanks thin out, be assured as long as your mod works well, it will be quitly enjoyed for some time to come. Last I checked I think GB was over a 1000 downloads, SW would certainly blow that out of the water. Later.
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This is what I got trying to access this link:
Object not found!
The requested URL was not found on this server. The link on the referring page seems to be wrong or outdated. Please inform the author of that page about the error.
If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 404
Sun Feb 22 02:31:14 2004
Hope it's fixed soon. Big star wars fan here!<-------
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My bad MadMaz,
Like duh, I should have taken the time to read through all the threads before repeating other peoples gripes. The corrected link can be found in message 58, 71, 82 and 98.
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Having issues with the game now (multiple crashes).....oops! I remember now; already had 1.20 upgrade and did the conversion, no wonder why! Ok, trying this later...uninstall (making sure I manually delete all mods and pics)....reinstall, convert, and then update...well, your directions on your site weren't very precise (actually, if you read them carefully, it says to install before upgrading and after, which is very confusing), so I hope this works...
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by Citizen MadMaz - 2/23/2004 1:47:43 PM
If you have the latest version, which I'm guessing you do, there is a fully operational installer/deinstaller. So, there should be no manual deletion of anything as you described.
Furthermore, you definitely want to run the mod installer after you do any updates. It modifies the .ship files to tell it to use my star wars models, so running an update can overwrite that change. What's probably confusing you is that if you want to get a new Stardock update after you've already installed the mod, you should deinstall it, get the update, then reinstall it.
As a caveat, remember that I haven't updated this mod in a long time. As a result, the ship statistics in the mod's ship files is certainly out of date. The best thing to do, if you're comfortable with it, is to take the most up-to-date .ship files that you had pre-mod install and replace the model names in them with the Star Wares ones I used. I've been meaning to do this myself and release a patch, but I've been saying that so long that even I don't take myself seriously any more
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MadMaz any other mod in the works???
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cool thx
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by Citizen kiaghi7 - 3/5/2004 6:28:45 PM
I'll happily lend my Star Wars ship knowledge to the list, to add to the previous list this is what I can think of off-hand...
Galactic Empire...
TIE Advanced x1 Starfighter
TIE avenger
TIE bomber
TIE defender
TIE fighter
TIE interceptor
TIE shuttle
TIE/D fighter
TIE/fc fighter
TIE/gt fighter
TIE/rc vanguard
Scimitar Assault Bomber
Star Galleon
Carrack Light Cruiser
Imperial Escort Carrier
Assault Transport
Imperial Dreadnaught
Lancer Frigate
Strike Cruiser
Interdictor Cruiser
Victory I Class Star Destroyer
Victory II Class Star Destroyer
Imperial I Class Star Destroyer
Imperial II Class Star Destroyer
Super Star Destroyer
Rebel Alliance...
Naboo N-1 Starfighter
Z-95 Headhunter
Bulk Transport
Medium Transport
Liberator Cruiser
Corellian Gunship
Corellian Cruiser
Corellian Type YT-1300 Freighter (Millenium Falcon)
Corellian Corvette
Alliance Dreadnaught
Alliance Escort Carrier
CC-7700 Frigate
CC-9600 Frigate
Bulk Cruiser
Nebulon-B Frigate
Mon Calamari Cruiser
Assault Frigate
Dauntless Cruiser
Bulwark Battlecruiser
that's what I think up so far, I'll try to come up with some more ships to fill out the ranks...
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by Citizen maurosv - 3/25/2004 12:56:37 AM
nâo consigo usar o boot skin, ele não termina de carregar
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Well the END of the thread is not as useful as whats a few pages back.. the URL/Link that works.
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How about an update for AP ? Is that in the works too ?
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