T h e - C a r i E l f - f a n c l u b
by Veteran MM77 - 10/30/2003 1:43:48 PM
The CariElf Fanclub is dedicated to ALL of STARDOCK. And is open to ALL.
Yellow Sign : * AI:CariElf * #15
TheQuack : * The dodgy brothers * #104
* CARI-CON * # 181
* Code Wars * part2 #122
* Divine Secrets * Post # 201,202,203,206,223,224,225,226,227,260
Blue Ocean : * Code Wars * part1 #110 part3 123
* The Voyage * Post # 189,193,212
Killa Koala : * LORD TERROSTAR VICE PRESIDENT Chistopher Packer's diary * # 211
* The Skowbo Swamp Prose Competition * #326
* The Search for Kit * #388
Obi Wan Kenobi: * Ah * #408
KitWarrior : * ( Greetings of new times ) * #284
MM77 : * On the spot report * #128
* C-Files * post #183 #252
* When Gods Evolves * #267
* Planet CariElf * #273
* KitWarrior * part1 # 282 part3 #287
* GC*AFTER HOURS * post# 335,363
* GC* BEFORE HOURS * post# 373,374
CariElf : * KitWarrior * part2 #284
The CariElf Fanclub is dedicated to ALL of STARDOCK. And is open to ALL.
Killa Koala: post #18 #40
Keith La Mothe: #34
Gerakken: post #125 #330
The Quack: #262
MM77: post #12 #180 #217 #219 #228 #272
-------------------- WCARIELF*INDEX -----------------
The CariElf Fanclub is dedicated to ALL of STARDOCK. And is open to ALL.
Blue Ocean: post# 108,120,130,159
wampyre: #165
TheQuack: post# 169,262
KitWarrior: #291
Killa Koala: #292
MM77: post# 24,26,64,68,102,106,117,128,231,253
Ray the Wanderer: #166
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by Veteran Gerakken - 11/1/2003 4:44:33 PM
Since a lot of interesting stories seem to be coming to Skowbo, I think I will throw out a bone here to give all those imaginitive story writers out there something extra to work with. My muse has not been too helpful in the last few weeks, so I do not know if I can work with this except in bits and pieces at odd times. Rather than try to make something ongoing out of this, I will leave it in the public domain. Feel free to take this and run with it.
The Knights of Skowbo
Skowbo, the holy planet. If there was ever hallowed ground in the wild chaos of the Metaverse, it would be here. Pilgrims filter in year round to visit the sacred sites: the grand temple of CariElf, the shrines of KarmaGirl, Frogboy, T-man, and many other divinities. Most pilgrims leave, going back to whatever life they have until it is time for another pilgrimage. Then there are those who stay.
A great many of those who stay become residents of communities serving the pilgrims. They become like any citizen back on the planets of their birth: teachers, factory workers, office workers, market place vendors, a host of others. Life goes on as normal, except for being mindful of the special significance of their adopted planet and honoring the many festival days set aside for the objects of their affection.
Some citizens have special jobs. They are the facilitators, keeping the life blood of the pilgrim-based economy running smoothly: travel agents, tour ship crews, resort operators, guides, and the staff of the incredibly powerful WCARIELF radio station sending out calls to the faithful across the Metaverse, and many others. Without them, the pilgrims would not cycle smoothly through the system. There would be delays and difficulties.
But all these citizens ultimately serve to sustain the center of the whole operation: the holy sites and those who live there after having dedicated their lives to the divine powers. Monks and nuns live in and maintain the holy sites. It is a humble existance of hard work and prayer, trying to guide visitors to a better understanding of the Stardockian powers in the hopes they will leave as changed people leading a better life and spreading the faith to others. There are also reclusive orders of religious hermits that do not interact with outsiders, being totally dedicated to a journey of self-enlightenment.
It may well have been be a perfect system for a perfect place, yet the foul plots of Metaverse empires ripple across the holy planet. Secret agents and hidden agendas, mercenary bands and criminal schemes. Unwary pilgrims temporarily putting aside secular loyalties to feed their spiritual needs, but being swept into all manner of illicit dealings. The holy planet is a hotbed of unseen corruption and grand power plays that most are totally oblivious to. The fate of the Meta hinges on no one empire, but on Skowbo. The one who controls the planet controls the Meta.
A secret order, the Knights of Skowbo, have vowed to prevent any from taking control of the holy planet. They are warriors of both skill and faith. Based in an underground lair below a secluded monastary on the nearby moon Lowbo, the Knights are ever in constant battle to root out and foil these plots. Their missions take them far and wide. The fruit of corruption may hope to ripen on Skowbo, but the seeds are often planted far away. Not all Knights are openly militant crusaders. Some are agents disguised as merchants, wandering missionaries, high ranking imperial senators, and even operatives parading as unaligned overlords. When the call comes, the Knights of Skowbo will be there.
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Ah, Quack. The Spymaster has it exactly. The Knights of Skowbo have an interest in the planet as a whole. Whereas The Secret Order of CariElf is CariElf's personal hitsquad.
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Oh Angela sweet angela.
Pure as the driven snow.
She just works behind the scenes,
to keep those bugs in limbo.
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by Avatar KarmaGirl - 11/3/2003 11:07:03 AM
Hehe...thanks for the poem! Yes, it is true, there actually more women who work at Stardock. Of course, there are only 3 full time employees who are female (damn this male dominated occupation!) There is also Kim who manages sales. Kim and I also work with, and support, the Object Desktop side of Stardock.

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Angela and Kim...they certainly don't sound like names of goddesses...
They need to change their names to something more appropriate. I mean, we have CariElf and KarmaGirl. Angela could be known as Angel-A and Kim could be SalesGoddessKim.
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Her real name is Kim-La (Ancient etruskian name for Godess of the water) and the real name for Angela is Ang-He-La (Godess of the fertility and the rain)
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by Avatar KarmaGirl - 11/6/2003 2:12:57 PM
hehe....Angela = KarmaGirl 
And, I'm not a goddess, I'm a witch. (My maiden name was "Towne". My ancestors include Mary Este and Rebecca Nurse (whose maiden name was also "Towne")) I may weigh the same as a duck....

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Pray tell, would one think the faithful be concerned if there was but a difference? All the ladies in the Stardock pantheon are goddesses to us, no matter what their true stature be. Evil seductress or fair angel, it matters little.
In this rate I think Brad will just have to undergo surgery so you guys will worship him too. Silly people. 
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by Veteran MM77 - 11/6/2003 8:47:42 PM
Harel Eilam:
In this rate I think Brad will just have to undergo surgery so you guys will worship him too. Silly people
Harel Eilam,
All the MALE's at STARDOCK are our GOD's!
Silly people
Silly people
Silly people
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Hehe...thanks for the poem! Yes, it is true, there actually more women who work at Stardock. Of course, there are only 3 full time employees who are female (damn this male dominated occupation!) There is also Kim who manages sales. Kim and I also work with, and support, the Object Desktop side of Stardock. |
She liked my poem!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh....
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by Veteran MM77 - 11/6/2003 9:18:05 PM
Thanks joining the CLUB.
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MM77, have you taken your pills today?
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by Veteran MM77 - 11/7/2003 7:41:28 AM
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I wasn't kidding. Have you taken your pills today?
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by Veteran MM77 - 11/7/2003 11:53:24 AM
Dear Harel Eilam,
You won't LIKE! It....he...he...he...
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You could THAT a muscle? Sheesh.
BTW, that's Lt. Harel Eilam, IDF, reserves, for you.
[grins mischievously]
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