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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
758 votes
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2- No

T h e - C a r i E l f - f a n c l u b
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#25  by Veteran MM77 - 6/1/2003 12:53:27 PM

Humm....I..wonder if any girls play G.C. ..Humm.....WHAT!!! is THAT MIC ON!!!!!!!!

#26  by Veteran MM77 - 6/1/2003 9:23:01 PM

W.C.a.r.i.E.l.f. sliding into the night. To OUR G.C. FAMILY; Thank you much, the lines have been buzzy all day.

My PARTNER had to take some time of today sorry if we could not get to your request.

We rock the night away with JEALOUS GUY buy JOHN LENNON and we'll leave you with this THOUGHT it takes two to tango. PEACE.

#27  by Citizen Richard Heaton - 6/2/2003 9:35:17 AM

You named your CAR after the object of our adulation? Like any good member of the club I would give my life for a kind word from CariElf... but I'm sorry, that is just plain weird.


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#28  by Senator CariElf - 6/2/2003 3:18:35 PM


You guys are great. You have no idea how much you've brightened my day.  Thank you so much, I really feel honored.

For the record, I am human, not an AI (assuming that we're not all hooked up to the Matrix).  Also, I AM female.   

#29  by Citizen Yellow Sign - 6/2/2003 3:31:05 PM

I'm gonna be the first one to post after CariElf herself spoke! Now my post will stand forever between CariElf and her fans! I think "being female" gives you +30% Diplomacy. Unfortunatley, all the geeks now will ask you for a pic to prove it.
[Message Edited]

#30  by Citizen Richard Heaton - 6/2/2003 5:14:23 PM

You scum! I was one message too late. That's okay. She still likes me better.


                       Posted via Stardock Central
#31  by Veteran MM77 - 6/2/2003 5:54:51 PM

QUEEN BEE! QUUEEN BEE! QUEEN BEE!, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers flowers, CHOCOLITE

#32  by Veteran MM77 - 6/2/2003 5:59:37 PM

CariELF, Carielf, CariElf.

My HART stoped.


#33  by Veteran MM77 - 6/2/2003 6:16:34 PM

Chistopher Packer,

NOW that CariElf has BLESSED US ther's a good chance OUR FAN/CHAT ROOM will GROW so I was thinking.

How about YOU and I, be PRESIDENT and we can PROMOTE " Yellow Sign and Richard Heaton " to VICE PRESIDENTS.

Let me know what YOU think.

P.S. We can let them do all the HARD work, I DON'T like them anyways THAY SPOKE TO CariElf FIRST!

#34  by Citizen Keith LaMothe - 6/2/2003 6:18:37 PM

*lol* shockwaves go through the thread...

Well, since the others are waxing poetic... (note: I'm quite tired, so this may be even more silly than usual)

At the menu main thou machine is froze,
Rather captivated by a nasty bug,
Remaining in a permanent doze,
Till thou at last pulls the plug.

Thou computer on yonder turn doth crash,
Within thou head is a thudding dull,
And into the keyboard thou fists do bash,
For the problem seems so intractable.

When thou screen doth display the Yor,
Code dereferences a pointer null,
And right on the brink of declaring war,
Thou hast only thy desktop to mull.

Upon the button thou mouse twice clicked,
For want of a dialog were two planets lost,
Perhaps causing thou to be quite ticked,
Particularly if thou autosave be not oft.

If under such troubles thou might be,
Merely come forth with thou plea,
Then do not worry even a bit,
For Cari is looking into it.

#35  by Citizen Yellow Sign - 6/2/2003 6:22:06 PM

I try to tease you freaks by telling that CariElf is an AI and then setting my posting between theirs and hers... and now they want me to be vice president?!?

Somehow, this reminds me of 'The Life of Brian'

#36  by Citizen Gibbie99 - 6/2/2003 6:23:26 PM

Uhmm, how come there is now Frogboy fan club? Wrong sex? Just kidding. CariElf is really terrific. Brad also routinely goes way above and beyond duty. Really this company is terrific. If they had stock, i'd invest.

#37  by Senator CariElf - 6/2/2003 6:24:44 PM

! You have a chat room? On

Oh, and by the way, I love the poems and stuff. They're very clever. 

#38  by Citizen Yellow Sign - 6/2/2003 6:24:57 PM

Frogboy is a cursed prince. Someone has to kiss him.

#39  by Citizen Keith LaMothe - 6/2/2003 6:38:27 PM

Oh, and by the way, I love the poems and stuff. They're very clever.

I don't usually go for rhyme, so that one took me a while... I'm glad you enjoyed it though, and that we can brighten your day

#40  by Veteran Killa Koala - 6/2/2003 7:19:39 PM

Wow. Wow. Wow. Well if I can't actually get close to CariElf, after CariElf's encouragement I can at least finish reciting the poem:

And now I see with eye serene
The very pulse of the machine;
A breathing thoughtful breath,
A traveller betwixt life and death;
The reason firm, the temperate will,
Endurance, foresight, strength and skill
A perfect woman, nobly planned,
To warn, to comfort and command;
And yet a spirit still, and bright
With something of an angel light.

#41  by Veteran Killa Koala - 6/2/2003 7:22:19 PM

Now get a grip MM77, you know you have a fan site too!
And Yellow Sign, follow the gourd, don't follow the shoe.

#42  by Veteran MM77 - 6/2/2003 7:32:30 PM



2. I wanted to do a G.C. FAN CLUB but I did not feel I was CLEVER enoghf to keep TOPIC'S under CONTROL. People that make a nice comment constantly have to defend themselves agaist the DESTRUCTIVE kissing rump ATTACK'S.

3. CairElf, This is YOUR FAN/CHAT ROOM.

4. New Rule # 9 WORSHIPING Frogboy,BoogieBac and STARDOCK IS APPROVED.

5. Kieth LaMothe, you just don't get it, you just don get it. MY POEM STILL SPELL's CariElf DOWNWARDS on the FIRST LETTERS......SHEEEEESH! .........

6. Yellow Sign, Are YOU trying to run for PRESIDENT!

#43  by Veteran MM77 - 6/2/2003 7:43:05 PM


SO do you think WE should BOTH be PRESIDENT?

#44  by Citizen Richard Heaton - 6/2/2003 9:07:03 PM

Chris has abandoned you. We have been making arrangements with him behind your back. We are turning the two of you against each other so that you will wipe each other out... leaving an opening for us to be foremost in CariElf's attention. You have no chance to survive make your time.


                       Posted via Stardock Central
#45  by Veteran MM77 - 6/2/2003 9:29:25 PM

SPAM,SPAM,SPAM,..... Kieth LoMothe, ...You ALMOST had me FOOLED!!! But looking at you POEM again! I see this is CLEARLY an ATTEMP to get OUR CariElf to FIX YOUR CRASH PROBLEMS!!! In Post #34 .This type of SPAM!!! WILL NOT BE TOLLARATED!

NEITHER! will the REQUEST in Post # 29.12 ASKING for SCREEN LOCKING so when you click the turn button it stays in place.

ALONG WITH Post # 38.92 REQUESTING 50% of CULTURAL POWER to be cut CLAMMING that it has MUCH to MUCH leverage in the game.



PLEASE KEEP IT OUT OF HERE! .........Thank You.

#46  by Veteran MM77 - 6/2/2003 9:45:22 PM


YOU have no CLUE as to WHO your dealing with.

FIRST OFF Chistoper Packer is MY online PARTNER and BESTFRIEND!

YOU would have a BETTER CHANCE at making CariElf READ ONE of YOUR POSTS before YOU could EVER! BREAK! US! up.

P.S. Thats WHY your PERFECT for the V.P. SPOT!

#47  by Veteran MM77 - 6/2/2003 9:51:08 PM

OH! and by the way " RICH " when was the last time YOU gave CariElf FLOWERS. .........

#48  by Citizen Blue Ocean - 6/3/2003 12:27:45 AM

"CariElf is trying to ally with the geeks (minor races in her opinion) to get the diplomatic power to get rid off Frogboy Wardell and thus conquer the Stardock-Galaxy."

SHODAN of GalCiv.

I thought I should mention that CariElf ROX my SOX (and every other piece of clothing in my dresser).

#49  by Citizen forceinfinity - 6/3/2003 2:27:52 AM

SHODAN of GalCiv.

Someone played System Shock a little too much. CariElf seems to be far too nice and far too level headed to be another Shodan

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