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How to be a Cultural Giant
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by Citizen Jexal - 10/14/2003 4:52:34 PM

Cultural victory is by far the easiest to achieve least for me any way. But that's not the point the point is how to be a Cultural Giant so here you go: the first is a given YOU HAVE TO GET CONTROL OR MARJORATY VOTE IN THE UNITED PLANETS( this is easier when all of the MAJOR alien civs are present, so don't go killing them off the first chance you get). Second is TRADE so trade with everyone even the minor civs when things start to get hot "so to speak".So everyone likes you (they'll trade with you too). Which brings us to the next element Starbases, starbases are about the most important element in keep control of the UN and being a culture giant. Starbases if you didn't already know has all types of little gizmos to help you out, but you want to build to starbases on the influnce reasource and build all the culture molduces you get
Well that's about it
Fellow player,
Lord Jaxom

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#1  by Citizen Wild Wombat - 10/15/2003 12:15:55 AM

Jaxom or Jexal? Yep, thanks for that contribution - as a fellow influence player, can I suggest you check the thread entitled "Winning maso with no military"? I posted by thoughts and others have along the same lines - I think you would find them interesting. Cheers!

#2  by Veteran fsk5809 - 10/15/2003 10:29:19 AM

Actually, majority in the united planets is easier than the current cultural victory condition, which requires a cultural majority in most sectors.

#3  by Citizen Jexal - 10/15/2003 8:18:07 PM

Hey fsh+
Get control of the UN is part of get cultural victory.

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#4  by Citizen Stydracos - 10/21/2003 1:08:47 PM

Hmmm Jexal, I think you'll find the UP is just a reflection on whats going on in the game universe.
The UP council doesn't actually do anything... its just something to spend those influence points on.

By that I mean yes you can use it as an indicator of your influence. I think thats the angle your coming from where as I think fsk+ was commenting on 'controlling' the council, which you can do that through buying influence points, judging who will vote what etc.

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#5  by Citizen Jexal - 10/21/2003 4:17:36 PM

Hey Stydracos,
Getting control of the UP in my way of playing, it neccesity because it shows that you have almost acheived cultural victory( so it is a way of checking to see how close you are confidence builder I guess ).
I hope that clears things up for you Stydracos.
Your fellow player,

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#6  by Veteran eradicus - 10/21/2003 5:28:41 PM

Jexal in one game I bought all influence point from everyone includung minors.All this does is to ensure that you get your way once the UP council votes every so often.It will not get you a cultural victory.You must turn 90% of the squares blue on mini map to get cultural victory and then hold them for a period of no less than one year.As you gain control of the galaxy you will gradually acquire more and more influence points.
[Message Edited]

#7  by Citizen Jexal - 10/21/2003 6:06:23 PM

Hey eradicus,
There are advanctgies to having control of the UP like( getting habitible planets that pop up every once and while and you can get stuff like Monster Park, Olpious, Requests Center, and few other events I can't think of off the top of my head). But if you know so much about Cultural Victory how about you start your own thread and stop peatering me about minor detail GOSS !
Your fellow player,

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#8  by Citizen laserjet - 11/15/2003 1:08:27 PM

i use another way by using tech to my advantage with a terror star upgraded to party palace and then i start to go around the galaxie with 2 or 3 of these

#9  by Veteran eradicus - 11/16/2003 7:13:14 PM

How would like to become a PanGaean?We are dedicated to using culture party palaces on wheels(terrorstars) to convince alien worlds to become one of us.You would fit right in because we send these out so aliens can party with us or die.
The links below are to ourwebsite and the other to our web page.
If you have any questions, we can assist you with most answers or find the right ones.
This one is to our empire Link

And this one to our webpage Link

Please don't hesitate to ask questions and view other web pages dedicated to building an empire.
But I think you will come back to us as we are the party masters of the universe!!
Senator Eradicus

#10  by Citizen laserjet - 11/17/2003 11:50:35 AM

thanks but i don't think i can get up a good score with (score from my first game)14,002

#11  by Citizen laserjet - 11/17/2003 11:52:36 AM

besides your webpage is fun and creative!

#12  by Veteran eradicus - 11/17/2003 6:48:18 PM

Thats okay about your scores.They will improve over time.We don't place much emphasis on scores as long as you are enjoying playing the game.We are not about trying to maximize our scores only playing to the level that we enjoy.If you look at my profile you will see my first games were only about 4000 or so.To see someones profile just click on their name.

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