Hi it me again, but this the subject if you didn't already notice is how to get political victory. So here it is to get political victory you need two things: first and most important is you need to get alliences with all the EXISTING ALIEN CIVS(so you can kill a few off if you want it is actually easier that way ). The ones you leave live BE NICE TO OR YOU CAN KISS POLITICAL VICTORY GOOD-BYE. I almost forget you to research the follow to be able to create alliences:
1.Communacation Theory 2.Universal Translator 3.Diplomacy 4. Nano Electronics 5.Phasers 6.Instant Communication
I hope this helps because it's real pain to tec trase.
your fellow player
The biggest problem in alliance victory is to get close. This is best achieved by being the sole trading partner of every other civ, which is best done by pitting them all at war against one another.
Gifting planets in the end game sometimes helps, too.
Hey LDiCesare
Yeah I do that to. But the sercret is to get the alien civs to like you( you do this by having at one least trade rote with them, but the more you get the better. I usaully do about two with each one just to make them all happy and like me. But that's off the subject, you also get them to like you by giving them the techs they want( try to avoid giving military tech and don't just mean from the reds.)
Well hope that helps you out LDiCesare
your fellow player,
You should have or trade for Diplomic Translator and give the (rouge) civ some techs and other trade goods that you can part with over a period of time, and after while if stick to those ideas I placed above he should be (close to you in no time ).
I hope that helps you with your problem MARTYN WRAIGHT.
Your fellow player,