Hi it's me again, the subject military victory. I am what you call a social studies spoung( what that means I asorb S.S. or history. I'll have to forgive me but I sidetrack easily. For military victory the plan is simple Bilzkeigh or lighting war. So here's what after you get your economony stable build about three to four battleaxes and as many transports as neccesity to conquer the alien civs( At this point in game the major civs are not likily have more than a dozen defender). Note: You to stike hard and fast if you to achieve stunning effect on the alien civ and thus military victory.
I hope that helps your military campaigns .
Your fellow player,
Mmmm... Depends on the difficulty level and map size. On maso, you'll never win a war with battle axes. On bigger maps, people will have corvettes or frigates before you can kill them all.