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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Can lockup 1.10A.073
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by Citizen ForesterGC - 10/18/2003 11:20:14 PM

My conditons are that pop is 1195 B, Own 97% and at war. Also using a Gigantic Map and simple/easy for all AIs.

Everything is fine untill I hit enter and it tries to do all calculatins and it freezes when a Hero explorer ship encounters a space shark.

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#1  by Citizen Stydracos - 10/18/2003 11:46:34 PM

I have come across this, at some stage... can't remember when but this sounds familiar.

In order for me to fix this problem and continue the game well I didn't really fix but found a work around. Its pretty simple just try reloading and "change history", basically play diferently for a turn in this case I'd try and avoid that space shark encounter.

Not really a solution or a fix but if all else fails can't hurt to give it a try.

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#2  by Citizen ForesterGC - 10/19/2003 12:28:16 PM

I played everything the same but instead of move all with the enter I moved each ship with the space through the month and it worked.

Seems that I just gave it to many calculations to do at once and caused it to have an electron breakdown.

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#3  by Citizen Stydracos - 10/20/2003 8:38:23 AM

Thats great news! Good luck with the game.

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#4  by Citizen Fanamar - 10/31/2003 10:43:02 AM

Another game crash I found: Maso, Tiny, occasional, only a couple of years into game (just got battleship tech.). I invaded the last YOR planet and thus destroyed their civilization After the "The Yor have finally succumbed to the relentless....blah blah blah" screen, The planet screen for the newly aquired planet comes up and I hit the "Details" button...poof the game closes down back to windows. I had saved the game just before the invasion so I tried it again...poof - game crash. If I close down the planet screen and go back to that planet next turn I can look at the "Details" screen without a problem. Odd but not a problem if you are not in a rush to gloat over all the shiny new buildings you just 'aquired' on your recently conquered planet.

#5  by Ambassador Solitair - 10/31/2003 10:47:06 AM

If you have a repeatable crash from a save game then send it to Cari. You'll need to send the .sav file and the save directory associated with the file. She will then be able to locate the problem and fix it.


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