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How do Empires work?
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by Citizen Jexal - 10/19/2003 9:27:03 PM

How do empire work and how is the ranking of an empire found?

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#1  by Ambassador Ray the Wanderer - 10/20/2003 12:41:25 AM


Empires are basically groupings of individual players. A smaller community within the big Galciv community.

The empire rankings can be found here Link

The Fellowship of the Ring empire has an empire thread in the main Galactic Forum. Do drop by and say hi. Link

#2  by Citizen Jexal - 11/9/2003 6:04:30 PM

Hey Ray the Wanderer,
How is an empire score determined? and How are battles determined?
Your fellow player,

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#3  by Ambassador Ray the Wanderer - 11/9/2003 6:21:23 PM


Empire score is a summation of all the personal profile scores (the score you see if you click on your nickname) of all the players in the Empire. Similarly, the empire battles is a summation of all the battles of players in the Empire.

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#4  by Citizen Gunner - 11/18/2003 5:13:41 PM

What is the deal with empires declaring war and peace?

#5  by Ambassador Ray the Wanderer - 11/18/2003 9:01:23 PM

Just role-playing. There isn't any real head-to-head empire competitions.

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