I recently played a game where I had 2 Altaran planets within my colonized area. The Altarans had an initial advantage in influence and owned the sectors that the planets sat in. Despite my best efforts and cheese, I could not get the planets to flip. In one sector, I had 7900+ influence to the Altarans ~2000. Never saw a skull and crossbones or anything and it stood that way for several "years".
Any ideas why it was so difficult? Even with high cultural resistances, I have been able to flip planets, but not here.
Are there cultural resistance bonuses when you are both the same alignment or are allied? We were at warm relations most of the game, but eventually became allies when it became apparant I was going to have difficulty flipping it.
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I've sometimes had this happen. Sometimes you just have to wait a really long time for them to flip. I think AIs have a varying Loyalty / Cultural Resistance modifier.
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Ive seen the AI build cultural resistance improvements that greatly negate your influence. However, the effect wont be shown in the influence menu. So you see like 7900 to 2000 while he sees 4000 to 2000 or something like that
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Build some starbases close to them and they will flip.
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check out some calculations on my thread "palace magic". Basically, you need to research Cultural Maximizing and then Cultural Conquest, then build 4 starbases in *your* sector next to their sector. Improve the starbases with Cultural Maximizing and all the Palace modules. I shoot for 5 digits (20K to 40K) influence in a resistant sector that has had time to build up it's defenses.
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Maxti and Mayito have it right, I think. The AI gets 50% influence bonus, as I understand it, at maso level and it would be a VERY rare thing in my experience to flip a planet without actively trying (by building starbases nearby). It is rare to develop enough cultural influence just with population, etc to flip anyone at maso. I have not seen alliances or alignment have ANY effect on flipping enemy planets. Out of interest, kasualkid - had you built any influence wonders or trade goods at that stage?
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