Galactic Civilization

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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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what happened to pq and many of the other starting picks?
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by Citizen Xietor11 - 10/20/2003 8:39:32 PM

I havnt played in a few months. When I left the game I was ranked 13th and now I am 175th. I have reloaded the game and downloaded the 9/25 update from stardock. I am trying to start a new civilization and lo and behold one of my favorite picks-Planet quality-seems not to be offered.

Also you cant take war party and then take even more hps as a choice?

Whats up with the limited choices for starting races?

#1  by Veteran SuChiUomizu - 10/20/2003 9:31:03 PM

I have the latest version and planet quality is available as a choice for me. Don't know why you can't pick it.

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#2  by Veteran vincible - 10/20/2003 9:35:58 PM

They eliminated the PQ+15 pick because it was too powerful. But there are still lesser PQ picks.

I haven't picked War Party in 1.10 so I don't know about the HP limitation, but I haven't heard anyone mention that.

#3  by Veteran Disciple777 - 10/21/2003 10:02:54 AM

Hey you can check in the library for the Redneck Party is very powerful. I created it.

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