shipless military victory
Greets y'all
was playing my typical giga-maso uncommon, and decided to do zero culture flipping (agony!). I started with econ 30%, morale 30%, diplo 40%, good isolation and four (!!!) econ resources within range, 2 20PQ and 2 19PQ. This is, like, a cakewalk and I almost didn't play it. By mid-game I had 100% taxes and 100% expenditures and 120K+ BC in the bank.
After overlords I started cranking out the ships and took out four majors handily. By then me and #5 have excaliburs and he is pretty well entrenched with 50billion populations and all the defenses.
But I've still got over 40K BC in the bank. Did you know you can buy your opponent's entire navy if you have 40K BC? I mean all of it.
Declare war by popping a starbase. Sue for peace and take 5 or 6 systems. Declare war, sue for peace, take 5 or 6 systems. Declare war, sue for peace, take last system. End of game. One turn.
They have to change the negotiation screen to cash-flow -- one slider for cash on hand and another promising only up to your positive cash-flow for n turns.
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100% taxes? You can do that?
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40,000 BC for 100 turns!!!
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