by Citizen LDiCesare - 10/29/2003 11:38:43 AM
There are 4 governments, but actually 2 types of government:
Imperial (what you start with) and the rest.
Under imperial, you produce little but are always in power.
Under other governments, every 2 years, there are elections that you may lose if your people's morale is low enough (less than 60% as a rule of thumb). If you lose, you lose the benefit from your political party and get a malus instead of the bonus. Specifics depend on the party.
However, other Governments (Repuiblic, then Democracy and Federation) allow you to produce much more than the lower form.
Be warned that production comes at a price: Production costs money, so a better government will cost you more money if you keep the same spendingds rate.
For instance, you are in Republic, 100% spendings, 100% research and need 10 turns to research tech X, while making + 200BC/turn. If you switch to Republic, you may need only 6 turns but make -100BC/turn, in which case you'll want to lower your spendings to, say 80%, which would yield a research achived in 8 turns at +0BC/turn. (all randomly made up figures)
It is always a no brainer when you are in Republic to switch to a higher form of government.
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yes there is a strong advantage to higher governments. While you may have to adjust your spending down, your production and reasearch is actually higher. In LDiCesare's example net research dropped from 10 turns to 8 turns. On your highest production planets the difference is greater.
I have seen posts of people winning on imperial, and I have forgotten to advance my government many times and won, but there *is* a strong difference.
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It would be logical that there the higher forms of government have a bigger downside, especially if you are waging a war.
For example, the morale should decrease slightly during a war, depending on the form of government.
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The primary in-game benefit of the different types of government is that as you move up the ladder, each rung adds 20% to your economic capabilities; so Star Federation is 60% better then Imperialism.
Personally I find it very frustrating to have 100% spending and still be making something like 100bc a turn.... I want to USE that money, not bank it. I push for Star Democracy pretty quickly, and am always annoyed when an alien beats me to the next government level.
and this guy is wearing a party hat and blowing on a party streamer thing. I forget what it's really called.
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I have one point and one question: first it's terror star |
He's talking about MoO2, where the largest is called Doom Star (comes from the tech Titan Construction, IIRC. The default class name for the first Doom Star outfit is usually Excalibur, in my experience).
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Hi Jexal,
Just want to make sure that you know: The leases/rush buying is more expensive than simply producing whatever you need (and also i believe it drags down your score - not sure though)
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