Galactic Civilization

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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
758 votes
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2- No

Checking one's version
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by Citizen Blade0745 - 11/3/2003 8:47:57 PM

Err... silly question, but.. where can I chect the version number? I've downloaded the patch manually and installed it, and also used Stardock ... but I can't see anywhere in the game that might say "1.11" or somthing.

Thanks in advance.

#1  by Citizen musicfan55 - 11/3/2003 10:12:04 PM

Go to the menu where you can save the game or load a new game and look at the banner at the top. The newest version says 1.11. Or, if you load and hit alternate escape to go back to the desktop, the information bar (where you click to look back at the game window) at the bottom of your desktop will also tell you version 1.11. Hope this helps.

#2  by Citizen Blade0745 - 11/5/2003 6:17:26 PM

Thanks! I can't believe I didn't see it before.

I see people commenting on bugs in incrimental versions... do those come out regularly? Or are those seperate beta patches not released at large?

#3  by Veteran SuChiUomizu - 11/5/2003 10:32:24 PM

They are patches mostly. They have been coming out about once a month lately, sometime this month 1.12 will come out, then in either December or January there will be a new expansion, probably 1.2 which you will have to pay for if you haven't subscribed to

           Posted via Stardock Central
#4  by Citizen musicfan55 - 11/6/2003 1:17:01 PM

Hmmm . . . I thought patches were to fix bugs only but maybe my definition is too narrow. These "upgrades" or "expansions" not only fixed bugs but added new features, changed metaverse scoring, and made the AI act differently.

Most computer games I bought, you get a slightly buggy CD that you buy retail and then go to the website once for the "patch" to fix the bugs. Then you are on your own.

Gal Civ is regularly (about monthly as Geoffrey says) tweaking strategy issues, correcting bugs, and adding new features (more aggressive minor AI in the latest 1.11 for example). Stardock definitely takes the cake when it comes to upgrading the original purchase. Congrats to Stardock.

#5  by Citizen Primus Ordines Aaberg - 11/7/2003 9:16:31 AM

I will second richbayer on that...the upgrading will make sure that you have change your strategy frequently

#6  by Citizen C0664 - 11/7/2003 12:00:29 PM

... and keep us talking on this forum


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