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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Leaving the UP - good or bad? (Repost)
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by Citizen Wooster - 11/6/2003 5:11:11 PM

I left the UP! (Thought I'd just let you know...) No, seriously, I was wondering...

1. Does leaving the UP *only* shutter your chances of trade - and voting on those now-no-longer important resolutions?
2. Does trade affect how easy it is to flip star systems?

My reason for asking this is this.

Basically, I was pursuing a cultural-military victory (turned off cultural and am attempting Total Galactic Domination without firing a shot... hehehe). To this end, I require - well, would find it easier with - Terror Stars, but the UP has (twice, yup, twice) banned the things.

Thus, I left the UP, thinking "haha! The foolish Yor are all that's left, and with my mobile Party Palaces on the rampage, it's sure to take only a few years!". The joke seems to be on me. Is it?


#1  by Citizen gary neumann - 11/7/2003 10:33:17 AM

Leaving the UP is very, very bad. You lose trade, cant vote on laws that will benefit you! The only time you should leave is if at towards the end of the game you arent trading with anyone anyway (for whatever reason) and if the laws in the UP dont benefit you in any way. Then it might be ok to leave the UP, especially if you have a load of terror stars as a last resort!

#2  by Citizen LavaLampMaster - 11/24/2003 9:01:59 PM

trade with the majors almost exclusively until you start the culture war. Then put embargoes on all of the majors; they'll start relying on you. have freigters already around Minor race stars, trade with them (especially the Carinoids, they don't die, especially with your help, hint hint.)

#3  by Diplomat Ralegh - 11/25/2003 4:31:21 AM

Trade does help improve relations, which sure is important to me...

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