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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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by Citizen Jexal - 11/9/2003 6:10:24 PM

I been wondering lately how the military ranking for everyone is determined? I been a captain for one month(I submit four games in that time period) and starting to wonder if 1 my ranking was going to change? and 2 as said earlier how was determined?
Your fellow player,

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#1  by Veteran SuChiUomizu - 11/9/2003 6:23:29 PM

It is determined both by score and number of games submitted the list of ranks and what it takes to get them have been listed several times in other threads though I can't remember which ones.

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#2  by Ambassador Ray the Wanderer - 11/9/2003 6:23:47 PM


The requirement for Metaverse ranks as as follows:

Fleet Admiral 350,000 points and 80 games
Admiral 200,000 points and 50 games
Vice Admiral 100,000 points and 40 games
Rear Admiral 50,000 points and 30 games
Commodore 20,000 points and 20 games
Fleet Captain 10,000 points and 10 games
Captain 5,000 points and 10 games
Commander either 5 games or 2,500 points and 3 games
Lieutenant either 5 games or 2,000 points and 1 game
2nd Lieutenant 3 games
Ensign - at least one game and a positive score.

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#3  by Citizen Jexal - 11/10/2003 11:19:50 PM

Hey Ray the Wanderer,
Thanks for explaining the ranking system .
Your fellow player,

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#4  by Citizen C0664 - 11/14/2003 10:35:49 AM


Sad to see that I will have to wait 10 games before to see my new rank wathever the points I do.

#5  by Ambassador Ray the Wanderer - 11/14/2003 6:24:06 PM


You need another 6 games. The no of games is a cumulative number.

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#6  by Citizen C0664 - 11/15/2003 8:52:55 AM

Thanks Ray for your optimistic point of view

But seems still very long in comparison to the fact that I climbed the three first steps with my verry first play


#7  by Citizen Gert Meyer - 11/16/2003 9:18:24 AM

Can someone explain to me the meaning of the gold/bronze/whatever color bars next to your alignment face in the posts? (NOT the rank insignia, the other bars)

Not everyone seems to have them and I can't seem to find any pattern to who has what number of them.

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#8  by Citizen Jexal - 11/16/2003 12:02:08 PM

Hey Gert Meyer,
The gold/bronze bars repesent the number of games submited
one bar- 5 games
two bars- 10 games
three bars- 25 games and up
And the other bars are awards you for games you played like:
5 game winner of 1000
10 game winner of 3000
5 game winner
20 game winner
1,2,3 place in Metaverse ranking
So there you go
Your fellow player,

                       Posted via Stardock Central
#9  by Veteran Darkspire - 11/16/2003 12:55:26 PM

Commander either 5 games or 2,500 points and 3 games
Lieutenant either 5 games or 2,000 points and 1 game

Can you confirm? Is it random for the Commander and Lieutenant ranks, '... either 5 games OR score plus games' or a typo? always wondered why they never put this score information in the 'Legends' section of the Metaverse ...
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#10  by Veteran vincible - 11/16/2003 3:48:29 PM

I think that's so they can change the rankings. Also, it really kept people guessing where Fleet Admiral would be.
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#11  by Ambassador Ray the Wanderer - 11/16/2003 7:58:21 PM

I wondered why they didn't want to make the rankings official too. Probably because they implemented the ranks in stages.

I pulled the requirements for the lower ranks from a post from a Stardock employee in the Galactic Council.
[Message Edited]

#12  by Veteran Maxtipherous - 11/17/2003 4:19:05 AM

There is a legend on the metaverse page

#13  by Veteran Darkspire - 11/17/2003 7:59:16 AM

There is a legend on the metaverse page

Umm, not the information were discussing, are you on the right post?

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