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by Citizen laserjet - 11/15/2003 12:45:13 PM

has anyone ever finialised the "final frontier" techno

tell me the highest number of ultra(all modules) terror stars ever built in one game?

i also need help in staring a new maso as i don't know which to abilaties to choose

i also for someone to tell me a whole set of things for me to win my first maso as i have only won 2 cakewalk games

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#1  by Citizen Jexal - 11/15/2003 1:15:13 PM

Hey laserjet,
No offense but if you have only play to cakewalk games, I think you are way way out of your league taking on a maso game. I mean I played about fifteen games(before I became a player on metaverse) before I moved up the alien civ's intelligence up ( and that was only one of alien civs). So if you have only played two cakewalk games YOU ARE NOT READY FOR MASO (please forgive for also said) AND ARE ALSO STUPID AND COCKY.
Your fellow player,

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#2  by Citizen laserjet - 11/15/2003 1:16:35 PM

thanks for the help

#3  by Citizen GangofMao - 11/15/2003 1:24:58 PM

Aloha Laserjet...
I have to say this is the first time that i've ever seen anyone shouted at on this sight,
i too am a new player,and find "most" of the people on this forum very helpful to new players,
you might want to try the search option for specific questions and check the older threads,
lots o info there for a new player,and please dont let one bad reply to ur post keep you from asking questions,
i also find the chat room very helpful,when Hawaii time lets me find people there...
anyway,from me i'm sorry you had to be called names for asking a question...keep askig,keep playing...

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#4  by Citizen laserjet - 11/15/2003 1:26:56 PM

well thats a great compliment

#5  by Citizen Jexal - 11/15/2003 4:14:35 PM

Hey laserjet,
I'm sorry it just that it isn't a great idea is to only have two games under your belt and then try maso( you just need more experise ok ).
Your fellow player,

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#6  by Veteran vincible - 11/15/2003 5:43:22 PM

In response to your actual questions:

has anyone ever finialised the "final frontier" techno

Probably most players who have been around for a while have done it. You get a very nice cut scene.

If you want to see a tech tree that will lead you to Final Frontier, you can view it at Javascout's site:

tell me the highest number of ultra(all modules) terror stars ever built in one game

I don't know that anyone's ever bothered to count.

And yes, you probably shouldn't play maso until you can beat crippling on a regular basis. Only move up a level when you know how to beat the one you're on.

#7  by Citizen laserjet - 11/17/2003 11:44:32 AM

i am playing my 3rd game with the drengin on bigginner but they still don't show any signs of cleverness so instead i buy the influnce points of the other races and I AM WINING!

#8  by Citizen laserjet - 11/17/2003 11:54:44 AM

i am actualy wining on simple!

#9  by Citizen LDiCesare - 11/17/2003 12:35:07 PM

has anyone ever finialised the "final frontier" techno
Yes. Look for tech victories on the metaverse, you will find some. Though I'm probably the only one to have submitted such a victory after its points have been nerfed.

i also need help in staring a new maso as i don't know which to abilaties to choose

Move up in ai one or two steps at a time until you can beat crippling. Then try maso and read the maso strategies thread. Anyway, diplomacy and speed are probably the easiest picks to win with.

#10  by Citizen Hermann the Lombard - 11/17/2003 12:38:21 PM

The various maso strat threads in this forum led me to win my first-ever maso after only about 5 or 6 games at lower levels. Best to absorb the info that is already out there. There are many different strats that can beat maso (not necessarily all the time); mix and match to suit your playing style. You might choose to play a game or two at painful or crippling before taking on maso. If you find those levels too easy to be fun, come on up to maso. If you find maso to be fun even while getting your ears beaten in, go right for it. In any event, enjoy!

#11  by Citizen laserjet - 11/17/2003 12:39:03 PM

don't go

what advantages do you get in techno on being bad?

#12  by Citizen laserjet - 11/17/2003 12:41:16 PM

it really bugs me and i was evil once but low morale ,no bonuses

#13  by Veteran eradicus - 11/17/2003 6:43:45 PM

If you like being evil thats okay.Just watch out for some nasty events that are triggered by evil morality though.The Fundamentalists,I League,Dmer are a couple that can totally flip a game you thought you had control over.

There are some techs that are morality specific.If you are good you can get some that evil races can't and vice versa.
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#14  by Citizen LDiCesare - 11/18/2003 4:57:56 AM

ILeague and Dmer have nothing to do with your being evil. ILeague have to do with morale (not moral). Fundies are linked to evil, though.

#15  by Citizen laserjet - 11/18/2003 11:32:13 AM

new question=

how many minor civs can you find at maso and can you ally with them

#16  by Citizen laserjet - 11/18/2003 11:54:32 AM

plus does maso create higher end game scores and what will my metaverse score will be if i had 14002 points in game?

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#17  by Veteran citahellion - 11/18/2003 1:35:37 PM


the number of minors is linked to the size of the universe, not its difficulty. Tiny/Small = 2 (Alexians/Carinoids), Medium(?)/Large = 3 (+Scottlingas), and I'm not sure about huge or gigantic.

You can ally with Minor races, yes, but it doesn't generally do you any good and in fact will probably only get you into more wars than you wanted.

Maso will definitely give you higher scores at the end of the game.

#18  by Citizen laserjet - 11/19/2003 11:21:56 AM

but how many points will i get from 14002 on the metaverse?

#19  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 11/19/2003 11:59:04 AM


It depends on how many games you've played. Your Metaverse score is determined by a formula which is:

total number of points divided by sqrt total number of games

Then this score is degraded monthly. Metaverse scoring is very complicated. I suggest you submit some games and see the results. It's hard to understand when it's explained.

#20  by Citizen LDiCesare - 11/20/2003 4:41:47 AM

When you score points at a given difficulty it says XXXpoints (YYY Mpoints). The latter is the points you'd get in the metaverse. How they are added is another matter, as your score is sum of scores divided by square root of number of sumissions, with decay of old scores every month.

#21  by Citizen laserjet - 11/20/2003 1:17:05 PM

if you know any newbie ask if he would like to join the
beginners empire
email Email

or visit Link

[Message Edited]

#22  by Citizen PJ_ - 11/30/2003 11:19:11 PM

if you know any newbie ask if he would like to join thebeginners empire

I don't understand why anyone would want to join that empire. Surely nobody plans on staying a beginner any longer than they can help it, right? And just when your overlords started racking up some points, they would have to leave the empire!

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