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How do you start an empire?
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by Citizen Jexal - 11/15/2003 4:38:03 PM

I have been wonder about starting an empire but I'm not exactly sure of all the small little. So I'm open to ideas.
Your fellow player,

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#1  by Ambassador Ray the Wanderer - 11/16/2003 12:00:50 AM


First of all you should go to the Fellowship empire page and quit the empire.
Next click the Create Empire tab at the left of your screen.

The next screen would prompt you for a couple of things:-
1) Empire name
2) Empire website url
3) Empire motto
4) Empire status (Open, Invite Only, Closed)
5) Empire logo (32x32 pixels jpg)

Once this is done, just confirm it. That should set it up.
Let me know if you have questions on any of the fields.

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