Need help with Maso?
by Diplomat Ralegh - 11/23/2003 9:55:56 AM
AFAIK, the easiest Maso settings even in 1.12.079:
Alterans and Dregin NOT on top IQ (others on the top one)
Common planets
Lots of diplo (plus I take War party/+ATT/+Repair)
- Find the minors and the Alts/Dregs ASAP. Use them to swap techs, and sell techs to them. (The cash from this is critical.)
- Establish trade routes with the other majors - need the relationship help.
- Research priorities:
Habitat; Diplo; Manufacturing improvements (all of them); Government improvements (all the way); then research improvements + a bit to get Cultural Conquest (party palace). This sequence - as well as being somewhat logical - gives you lots of tech to trade.
- Stay with good rels with everyone - give them tech as necessary (always keep a tech or two in hand for the purpose). As usual, try to make sure the guy with the strongest military has someone other than you to fight...
- When someone has nothing you want (and no cash), use your tech to take warships from them: two games in a row I became militarily #1 before I built my first combat vessel (on the downside, the guys you do this to will probably be exterminated a little later, but heck, they weren't doing you any good anyway)
- Culture bomb the biggest concentrations: some of the planets you gain will be building modern ship types, which you probably don't have the tech for: dedicate these planets to that - you'll need them later. Enemy will sell off all improvements from some of the planets before they flip - you need to get some of the pop off (transports... which you will need later)
- Try to pick up as many resources as you can during this culture bombing stage: whenever a baddie gets his SB killed, try to be the one who gets it.
- Start a war when you are in the 12 month count down to cultural victory, and remain at war until you take the last planet: that makes sure it is a military victory.
Anything short of gigantic is easy this way (at gigantic it is hard to find the minors/alts/dregs to trade with - try using freighters as scouts for their longer range, and prioritize some range enhancements.)
Its a lot tougher will all the baddies on Incredible...
Comments/reactions/requests for clarification?
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It is good to see you posting & playing. Thanks for the tips. 
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Yeah, welcome back to the forum, Ralegh. Is it time to update that strat guide of yours? 
Us folks in the Fellowship would be more than willing to help you.
Comments on your post:
Since some minors buy techs for cash now, it is not really necessary to set 2 majors to Genius to get dough but yes, that would be the easiest setting (but for lesser points).
The alternative to the Party Palace Rush would be the Terror Star Rush. Researching all techs to Terror Stars asap and send out the constructors. Terror Stars require lesser constructors overall, does not attract AIs' attention unlike cultural starbases and you don't even have to pay the 5000bcs/TS if you do it in an alpha strike.
- Start a war when you are in the 12 month count down to cultural victory, and remain at war until you take the last planet: that makes sure it is a military victory. |
If you just want to win via military, why not just switch off the cultural victory win?
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You need 6 constructors for one Party Palace and 5 constructors for one Terror Star.
AIs will demand cultural starbases from humans if the starbase is built in a sector that they own. However, they will make absolutely no fuss about a Terror Star that is built right next to their systems, even if the TS stays there for a number of turns.
Not sure whether it is intentional or a bug but you are allowed to pay the 5,000bcs cost for a TS even if your treasury is negative. So if you are going to do a 10 Terror Star alpha strike to destroy all AI systems in one turn, you can go into a -50,000bcs position for your treasury. Proceed to destroy all AI systems and you win via military the next turn, removing the need to repay all those money you owe.
Updating the strat guide is a good idea... |
Let us know how we can help. The Fellowship has always been very active in the Strat forum.
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Welcome back Ralegh - check the "Winning Maso with no Military" thread for other tips along this line of attack. I think the constructor count from Ray is a little off: 4 constructors to turn something into a Terror Star; but I'd go the extra yard and add Cult Max to a Party Palace - which still means eleven constructors in total. Make 4-5 and go roaming the map....
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I've included the count for the first constructor to build the initial starbase, Wombie.
If you have an existing starbase, then it would be one less constructor.
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I might have known I couldn't catch you out...
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