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Tax and money making
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by Citizen Celtic frost - 11/23/2003 10:21:20 AM

Hello. jus curious as to why I always go in debt.I keep taxes in default mode and never raise any of the bars.Wats a good way or safe way to keep money in bank?Thxs!!

#1  by Citizen Primus Ordines Aaberg - 11/23/2003 3:48:45 PM

Hi Celtic,

On the Domestive Policy screen you will see the Spend rate slider - whit this slider you can decide which how much of your Tax income you will spend - this will affect your surplus/decifit.

Your tax rate will affect your Approval rating (and of course your tax income) try playing around with the sliders to see how they work.

You will experience that a large portion of your income should come from trade (AI's sending freigthers to you and thereby establishing trade route and you doing the same)

Please post what you epxerience
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#2  by Citizen Celtic frost - 11/23/2003 6:32:35 PM

Ok I tried them and I got the idea kinda, built plenty of starbases and sent some trade ships, owned 10 planets that were and average of 18 to 20 quality,all of a sudden I go from plus cash to over a 1000 in debt.Lol Im getting very frustrated I think the ai is cheating hehehee

#3  by Senator Drengin - 11/23/2003 8:09:16 PM

sometimes this happens when a major trading partner is wiped out by the other majors. or if you go to war against them. or if they are allied with a different major and you declare war on the major. you can also go straight into debt if you build terror stars which cost 5000bc each. one way to ensure your major trading partner is secure is to 'blockade' their planet with ships, so the majors cant get to them. BE WARNED if you do this to a major they will declare war on you.

#4  by Citizen LDiCesare - 11/24/2003 3:11:46 AM

Starbases cost money to operate and to maintain. If you want cash, don't build any except maybe trade starbases, and only in sectors where it is very likely that freighters go through often (a starbase gives money only when the minifreighter is in the same sector).
You need high population and good morale in order to be able to earn money. Not touching the sliders is definitely going to ruin you.
What to do:

1)Increase population.
1.1)This requires morale, so LOWER tax rate until you hit 100% morale. Do this in the early game until you are near debt.
1.2)You also need high PQ to get morale, population and money, so try to build soil / habitat social improvements as soon as possible.

2) Lower spendings until you are no longer in the red.
Repeat: Lower spendings. In the late game, if I do any kind of research at more than 10% with 30% spendings, I will usually go into debt because I have built all those + research buildings (actually for their +influence value)

3)Earn money through buildings.
3.1) Build +cash buildings (banks) and +morale buildings on low morale planets (low = less than 100%). Don't build virtual reality centers, they cost 5 to maintain.
3.2) Do NOT build buildings that will add to your production or research unless you have positive cash flow and are at 100% spending. This extra production will cost you, so you will have to lower your spendings, thus negating part of the benefit, plus you'll have to pay the upkeep cost.
3.3) Production and Resources Starbases: These give you half their bonus as free production, so they are worth having but you will have to lower the spendings in order to lower the amount of paying production (the paying half of the bonus). Plus they have 10bc upkeep cost, so don't build many.
3.4) Rushbuilding: Avoid if you can. Only wonders are worth rushbuilding, or the ship that will save your star system NOW and 100% sure. Don't rush trade goods, colony ships or whatnot. If you do rush, make sure you take the best suited option (usually option 2 for me).

4) Trade.
You need both your trade going to whoever else and everyone else's input. A trade route gives money to both ends of the route.

5) Diplomacy.
5.1) Get those trade routes by paying the ai (with money, tech, influence, ships...) to attack their trade partners. With a bit of luck, they'll reloacte their trade routes towards you.
5.2) Make deals, particularly with minors, selling them techs, ships. Long term gives you more money than short term. This doesn't work very well at maso difficulty level (though the Alexians can give some money).

The ai is not cheating there. The Yor often go into debt, not to talk about the minors.
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#5  by Citizen Damon Bryson - 11/24/2003 12:33:35 PM

Another thing that can cause a big change in cash flow is if you trade a pile of techs to someone for cash payments over time. I usually trade for 20 years, since the AI will give much more money that way. But when the 20 years run out, you better be paying attention, or your economy will fall into the red.

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