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questions about Terror Star and Worm hole research
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by Citizen Thomas Pencek - 12/7/2003 4:24:51 PM

Built terror star but can't figure out how to use it. Also can't seem to find an application or an impact from the worm hole research. (very time consuming) Anyone have an answer?

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#1  by Citizen PJ_ - 12/7/2003 4:48:15 PM

The wormhole technologies aren't really good for anything, they just lead you to the Final Frontier tech. Researching Final Frontier is one of the possible victory conditions (the one that gives the least points). You can use a Terror Star to attack (and destroy) an enemy star system the same way you use ships to attack other ships. You can never make the Terror Star move more than one space per turn, except by exploiting a bug whose details I'm not familiar with, so it's a good idea to build it right on top of the system you want to blow up.

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#2  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 12/9/2003 12:15:23 PM


Once you have researched Terror Star, you build them by creating a Starbase and building military modules that begin with Terror Star. There are five TS modules, which means you'll need that many constructors.

Peter is correct in that Terror Stars only move 1 space per turn, so they take a long time to move somewhere. However, be careful not to build a Terror Star too close to your enemy as they will demand you give it to them or go to war. This can happen to you even if your "enemy" has Close relations (but not if you are Allied).

Also, be aware that Terror Stars are very, very vulnerable to attack. If you plan on keeping one around, be sure to build lots and lots of defense modules!

Terror Stars can be built on resources as well allowing you to move the resources closer to your own territory. This can be useful in protecting resources during wartime.

Terror Stars can be mobile culture bombs. Build Party Palaces on board your Terror Stars and then move several into an adjacent sector and watch the systems flip!

Hopefully this little overview on Terror Stars will help you out!

#3  by Citizen Hermann the Lombard - 12/9/2003 1:45:09 PM

While we're on the subject, just how useful are "guards" on a terror star or starbase? In other words, does a guard ship defend first, or can the enemy zap the base while ignoring the ship? (I assume it's a function of defense values, but I could use some clarification.)

However, be careful not to build a Terror Star too close to your enemy as they will demand you give it to them or go to war.

Well, if I build it that close I'm planning to alpha strike anyway, so that isn't much of a problem...unless those darned rebels attack right away!

#4  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 12/9/2003 2:54:36 PM

I tend to build Culture Bomb Terror Stars and then use them to mop up what's left, so alpha strike isn't always an option. Of course, alpha strike is best achieved if you have the treasury to build enough Terror Stars at one time. Hmmm...that reminds me...

Thomas: it costs 5,000 BC to finish each Terror Star, so be prepared financially!

If you're Alpha Striking to finish a game, don't worry about the money. You can build as many as you want in one turn and drive your empire into deep, deep debt as long as the game ends the next turn!

#5  by Veteran vincible - 12/9/2003 5:50:02 PM

just how useful are "guards" on a terror star or starbase? In other words, does a guard ship defend first, or can the enemy zap the base while ignoring the ship?

This was posted somewhere before... the ships with the highest attack values are attacked first. If two ships have the same attack value... then I don't remember. But anyway, starbases are attacked last, after any military ship, since they have 0 attack. I don't know what the order would be for nonmilitary ships like freighters but it's unlikely to matter anyway.

#6  by Citizen Hermann the Lombard - 12/10/2003 10:42:58 AM

If you're Alpha Striking to finish a game, don't worry about the money. You can build as many as you want in one turn and drive your empire into deep, deep debt as long as the game ends the next turn!

...and for TP's benefit, this is on the list of requests for changes to "undocumented features."

This was posted somewhere before...

Sorry about the repeats, but I may have, um, missed a few messages along the way. Come to think of it, I think some of the Apolyton forums for several Civ-based games maintain ongoing FAQ lists to cover questions of this sort. Of course some volunteer has to have the time and energy to do so [he says, stepping back VERY quickly]. Anyway, thanks for the clarification; I had thought it was in order of defense value (gee, not much good putting a dread and a phoenix on guard together; it won't rise from *those* ashes).

#7  by Veteran vincible - 12/10/2003 1:30:52 PM

Yeah, I said "posted somewhere" because I couldn't find it either.

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