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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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by Citizen david bukalski - 12/18/2003 2:17:56 PM

i know there is a button combination to quickly regenerate a map i just dont remember what it is. its something like ctrl+r or something

#1  by Citizen Primus Ordines Aaberg - 12/18/2003 2:20:29 PM

Ctrl+N i believe

#2  by Senator Drengin - 12/18/2003 2:24:34 PM

here are all 'cheat' keys

CTRL N regenerates map
CTRL A adds hit points, move points, attack and defense points
CTRL B battleship
CTRL C clone selected ship
CTRL E decreases morality
CTRL G increases morality
CTRL H heals ship, restores move points
CTRL J make all human colonies complete their social and military projects
CTRL L assign all the worlds and resources to major races
CTRL M money (adds $1000)
CTRL O add anomaly
CTRL P increase the class of the planets in the selected star system
CTRL S research current tech (if shift key is also held, all techs except final frontier are researched)
CTRL T teleport
CTRL U clear FOW
CTRL V create random ship
CTRL Y create colony ship

You need to enable cheats in the game menu first. Do not try to post score after using any cheats other than CTRL+N as it will cause an anomalous score (zero)

Hope this helps

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                         Posted via Stardock Central
#3  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 12/18/2003 2:27:23 PM

CTRL+N works without activating cheats

The rest require you to go to the Options screen and activate cheats.

LM: too fast for me!
[Message Edited]

#4  by Senator Drengin - 12/18/2003 2:30:13 PM

got them on wordpad so just pasted them & hey presto!

                         Posted via Stardock Central
#5  by Citizen david bukalski - 12/18/2003 2:32:32 PM

thanks for the info. yeah i was just looking for the map generating. one of these days when im a master of the game and have nothing else to do ill consider the cheats. until then im just gonna pretend that there are none.

#6  by Veteran Maxtipherous - 12/18/2003 10:51:47 PM

I ctl-n, save, ctl-u, look for nearby neighbors, decent planets, econ and morale resources. if I like it I reload to clear the cheat flag. Yes, this is considered cheating my many folks hehe.

#7  by Citizen GangofMao - 12/19/2003 2:44:24 PM

I don't know call me hard core,but i always take the
first map i'm given,play on large or above maps,and
scattered,either rare or uncommen planets...
Just seems more real life to me...,yeah i know!!!
But what i mean is that seems to be how it really is
so i just role play from now till the time of the game,
and take it from there,of course u see i never win by
military,cause i'm always so far behind the aliens,so
if i can get an allience before i get wiped out...
Sorry for rambeling this game:)

#8  by Veteran Terl - 12/19/2003 2:57:40 PM

I don't know call me hard core,but i always take the first map i'm given

I do the same. The one I have now sucks, but, hey, that is the galaxy I "live in" so I just play it. I would never claim ctrl-n is cheating, just saying how I play.

It is fun trying to dig out of a situation. It has been a long time since I have enjoyed a game as much as GalCiv.
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#9  by Citizen GangofMao - 12/19/2003 3:07:23 PM

Aloha...i hope my last post didn't come across as a condimnation on ctrl-n,'cause it's not...that's also what i love about this game all kine o ways to play...
Hey i LOVE AMM's and i've read others who think there cheese,to each there own...and Terl,digging out is always the best for me as well...

#10  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 12/19/2003 3:12:40 PM

I'm getting very fond of AMMs as well! With their 1 maintenance and high attack value, it's a cheap way to boost your military rating. This is especially true when combined with military resource starbases!

#11  by Citizen GangofMao - 12/19/2003 3:14:58 PM

Hey!!! u stealing my tactics

#12  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 12/19/2003 3:17:39 PM

Hehehe...the thing is, I usually don't use them! I count on my capital ships to fight with. The missiles are just to boost my military rating, which always seems to sag in the middle of the game compared with the AIs.

#13  by Citizen GangofMao - 12/19/2003 3:21:45 PM

Yes!!! i do the same,and also they are great things to
give away to minor u need,or to boost a majors feelings towards u,i can kill excalbiers with enough
of them,tho minors don't seem to use them well,but will
say i have seen them take out a alien starbase once...

#14  by Citizen LDiCesare - 12/19/2003 4:27:17 PM

I just don't build capital ships. One frigate or corvette to take out the colony ship, AMMs to take out the rest.

#15  by Citizen Ajosin - 12/21/2003 10:31:40 PM

I just don't build capital ships. One frigate or corvette to take out the colony ship, AMMs to take out the rest.

I think the AMMs are cheesy b/c they are so powerfull the take away the need for capital ships. And who's ever heard missiles traveling with an invasion fleet anyway?.

They should be changed so you can only fire them once from the planet by selecting a target. After that they would act like homing missiles and you'd lose control of them. This way they wouldn't be powerfull enough to change the entire game, but at the same time they would still remain usefull.

But that's just my opinion.

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