Galactic Civilization

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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
758 votes
1- Yes
2- No

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by Citizen david bukalski - 12/18/2003 4:18:50 PM

ok ive got stardockcentral on my computer.
ive downloaded the update for version 1.1 onto my computer.
ive clicked the update button.
ive restarted my computer

and still when i start a game of galciv its version 1.05 what do i have to do to get the new 1.1 active.

#1  by Citizen MeatSac - 12/18/2003 4:54:15 PM

Under the Tools menu, select "Check for Application Updates."

d.b., under the "Downloads" section of this site (, there Adobe Acrobat versions of the game manual and a strategy guide. I found them to be indispensable for getting my bearings with this game, although, as you've seen, the people here are fantastic about answering any questions that anyone may have. Myself, I like to have a printed copy of the instructions to pore over and spill coffee on.

#2  by Citizen david bukalski - 12/18/2003 5:22:38 PM

thanks. and yes everyone has been great about answering my questions. I loved civ 1-3 and considered myself as good as anyone but this game is very much different. Many more minor/slight details. And the entire fact that your empire does everything at the same time. you cant have one planet focus on research while another does manufacturing. You have to do your production focus across the entire empire.

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