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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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6:12 PM
Jan 6th, 2025
starbases taking damage
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by Citizen david bukalski - 12/24/2003 8:53:44 PM

i saw one of my starbases and it was sparking...which i now realize means its damaged heavily. i looked at my other starbases they were also damaged. does anyone know how my bases all over the universe may have been damaged

#1  by Veteran SuChiUomizu - 12/24/2003 9:17:16 PM

If you get a technology or something else that increases it's max hitpoints it has to 'repair' itself. It doesn't go right to the max, at least i think thats how it goes.

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#2  by Citizen GangofMao - 12/25/2003 10:35:51 PM

That's what i was told in the chat room when i asked the same question...

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#3  by Veteran fsk5809 - 12/29/2003 6:26:21 PM

If you get a tech that increases your max hitpoints, your ships and starbases don't immediately benefit from the new maximum. It takes them a few turns to heal to the new maximum. So if you get a tech that raises a ship's hitpoints from 100 to 110, the ship goes from 100/100 (fully healed) to 101/110 (damaged slightly).

#4  by Citizen david bukalski - 12/30/2003 5:31:08 PM

hmm well that makes me feel better. i was really worried that i might lose my starbases to some unknown force.

#5  by Citizen Bill Ko - 1/3/2004 10:43:47 PM

If you get a tech that increases your max hitpoints, your ships and starbases don't immediately benefit from the new maximum. It takes them a few turns to heal to the new maximum. So if you get a tech that raises a ship's hitpoints from 100 to 110, the ship goes from 100/100 (fully healed) to 101/110 (damaged slightly).

I like that. Your ships don't magically get upgraded. Your ships actually have to install the updates.


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