Easiest Game Possible..?
by Citizen NubiWan - 1/16/2004 1:25:18 PM
Sorry for being so late to the party. Based on mostly the remarks in this very forum, bought two GalCiv's, one for meself, and one for me son-in-law. After four or five attempts all on the "easy," level, am still getting me butt kicked rudely, and me son-in-law called and asked me. "Can ya win this thing?" Aside from 'Be careful what ya wish for,' any advice yas vets can offer a newbie?
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Have you looked through some of the older posts in this forum? The start is huge-- here's a good set of posts about how to get off to a good start:
On easier levels, get off to a good start so you have more planets than any AI, then trade techs until you are equal with any AI, and then sell your next techs you research to all the AIS for modest cash over many turns. This lets you crank up your spending to 100% at reasonable tax levels (the lower the tax, the happier the people, the faster you get more people), and as a bonus bankrupts the AI so they can't keep up with you!
Once you get culture maximization, try building several starbases in a sector adjacent to an alien planet. Put all the culture palace and culture maximization modules in each starbase, and then watch the alien planets become yours without a fight. Also helps to control as many resources as possible, and keep sending constructors to mine them as much as possible, sending more as you research new technologies.
Hope this helps!
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by Citizen NubiWan - 1/17/2004 6:06:11 PM
OK XManiac, thanks for the good advice. Will mine the earlier posts for some sure fire, kick-butt tricks. lol
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