Lots of questions about strategies
by Citizen Mitch88 - 2/10/2004 9:29:21 PM
1. Whats the best way to grab resources faster than the AI? I always find they beat me to them and I am forced to buy them from them for large large LAAARGE amounts of cash.
2. It seems like now that I am playing normal difficulty games I am always the weakest major race in the galaxy. Is there any way I can become the strongest? Any suggestions on how to do this?
3. Every time Im in a war I lose me cash insanely fast. I can never compete either because they are so much stronger than me. Do you have any ways to have a strong military, and make cash, while at war at the same time? And whats the best way to get other races to support me in wars?
4. And one last question... How the hell am I supposed to stay on equal grounds with civs on normal diffuculty or higher (especially maso, Ive tried, it was ugly)? Normal for me is possible, but on anything high I find my self over run militarly, culturally, technologicly, and every other way around. Are there any ways to keep up, or be better than the AI at these higher levels, and how is that done, or atleast how do you do it?
LOOTTTS of questions, if you help me out... thank you very much
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