Learning how to play this delightful game
by Citizen Giygas - 4/11/2004 2:26:07 PM
I am new to the GalCiv world and have a few questions on how to improved my playing skills.
First off I know all of the picks have there uses but does Courage do anything? What about Creative or Lucky?
I am also curious as to what the Alien Tech victory means.
Also I am tring for a military victory(no offense to the culture mongers but that victory is way to easy for my tastes)and would like to know what are some good ways to do this effectivley.
Also I am seeking to create an "Alliance of Evil" during a game but I don't want my allies (Drengin,Yor) to attack each other(I haven't done this yet but I seek to do so soon)
Also how can I make the Major Races war with each other?
Also what are the best things to trade to opposing civs without screwing yourself out of money or tech?
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Hope I can clear some things up for you. Not sure about those really so I skip creative and lucky and go for PQ or Economics or Hps/Def/Wpns..
Alien Tech Victory.. Ever play Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri?? Same as reasearching Transcendance. You reasearch enough techs your people are superbeings.. Cool way to win game.
Military victory tips for start, at start for first several turns tax 100% put military spending on 75% or more get a scout or two and colony ships going. Early expansion helps. Focus on building things (social) that are multipurpose that help like fusion power plants increase production and economy. Techs -- get corvette ASAP. Star fighters are ok. For early conquering your neighbors your going to need transports. I go for frigates after corvettes then Battleships (love the combat transports) Also don't forget the importance of trade to fuel your war machine. Need some extra cash for maintenence? Send some freighters out to allys or races your not at war with (yet).
I trade with civs I am close with, don't usually trade more than 2-3 techs for another tech. Sometimes I get approached by them for a 1-1 trade. I always jump on that.
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First off I know all of the picks have there uses but does Courage do anything? What about Creative or Lucky? |
I have no idea, you would probably need some of RB-players for this one.
I am also curious as to what the Alien Tech victory means. |
It means that once one of the AI's have reached "Final frontier"-tech you can't win by tech-victory (please correct me if i'm wrong).
Also I am tring for a military victory(no offense to the culture mongers but that victory is way to easy for my tastes)and would like to know what are some good ways to do this effectivley. |
To reach a true military victory is pretty tough, but the easiest way to do it, is to focues on keeping the AI's at war with each other and thru alpha strikes (i.e. keeping your ships more than one sector away from the AI's planet before you are ready to take out all planets).
Also I am seeking to create an "Alliance of Evil" during a game but I don't want my allies (Drengin,Yor) to attack each other(I haven't done this yet but I seek to do so soon) |
Again if you can bribe the AI's of to war against each other, you should be able to turn the game any way you want it (unless both of them starts of really bad).
Also how can I make the Major Races war with each other? |
Ups...gues i should have read this one before the others. If you go to the Foreing poilcy screen. Find the AI you want to delcare war on another AI (always choose the one who is stronger military, use the screen below the mini map- military), fron the top, third says threaties, choose attack and then send the sucker of the kill another AI (the easiest way to bribe seems to be over 100 turns).
Thats all i can offer for now, please do post again if it doesn't make sense
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Pretty good points Ace Dragon.
Even if they depend on your way of playing.
I for example seldomely need any military to reach my goals. I perfer to cultural flip the AI and only build a small amount of defenders (and AAM if the AI becomes nasty)
And do as Aaberg said: keep the AIs ocupied with each other and away from you.
Oh and welcome to the Republic
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Well he did ask in the initial post for warmonger tips.
Also thanks for the welcome
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by Citizen Giygas - 4/13/2004 10:46:46 PM
Thanks guys helps a bunch! post any other strats here if you want.
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by Citizen nVariance - 4/15/2004 9:50:46 AM
The Luck attribute increases your chances of finding a Ranger-class ship. On lower difficulty, you may even get a Ranger very early in the game (before other civilizations get anywhere near even Battleships). I believe it also increases your chances of finding other low-class ships (ie. corvettes). I am not aware of any further effects of Luck (if any).
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by Citizen Yuryu - 4/16/2004 10:17:32 AM
Thanks to Creativity or Luck (I had both) I found 72 corvettes on a planet just after the yellow star run. It was one of my first galciv games ever so I didn't have a clue about how rare that was.
Luck also has an influence on the outcome of land battles.
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Settings. All aliens to top intellect. Gigantic RARE. A gigantic Rare goes much quicker and is far easier than any other size and setting.
Party Populists +20 diplo
+ 20 Morale.
ability choices +1 speed +60 diplo (yes you'll need that diplo)
Set your spending to 100% Set your military to 100% to start out. Fill each earth colony ship to 100. This will allow you to get one colony ship with 50 at each planet you colonize then go to constructors. Use your first few constructors to build one starbase with the construction boosts in your sector with the most planets. Then do the same in the second best sector. Also build scouts to explore asap.
Once you have a good number of planets (You only need about 10-12 planets to totally dominate.) and you're sending a couple colony ships to sniff around for more go to 40% Science, 60% ships. This won't last long. go for comm theory, universal translator. If you haven't met a minor, go for diplomacy and trade next. If you do, go for medical theory and industrial theory (and you can trade for diplomacy and trade) Then I usually go for the techs that take a short time (nano electornics, etc. Not B/c they are important but because they are good to trade for techs and cash with. You can get most of the tech's you need by trading with everyone often. Sometimes a bad deal will get you a tech you can then get tons of stuff with from the others. In general, the longer it takes to research, the tougher it is to get in trade but it will also get you tons with the others. The Alexians will give you tons of cash.
Pay no attention to wonders at all early. The only ones that are real important are the influence ones. You can buy all the early trade goods you need. (the +2 speed one and diplo translators as well as the morale boosters) I watch the aliens for when they get interstellar business. When you see it immediately trade for it, then stop what you're doing, research interstellar marketing, and build the wonder associated with it.. Trade interstellar business with any and all aliens that don't have it. You will get tons of techs for it. Then go for the techs with the influence wonders and the tech boosting ones. Get all of em that you can. You will not get to Federation first nor get its wonder. Don't go for the govt techs. Too long to research.
Set your victory conditions to allow only alliance victories or military victorys (the rest don't score)
I set all aliens to evil. Then you must either go good or stay neutral. Why? Because the fundamentalists. If you get the event they nearly wipe out the aliens, you mop up 1-2 planets for each race that is left (ignore the fundies) and poof you score 60,000 points!!!!
Economy. Build banks at all your planets early. This really helps. Keep spending at full untill your initial 1000 runs out, then make sure it's just a bit positive. check every so often and increase your spending rate accordingly. Eventually with freighters and stuff, it builds up enough to spend 100% through most of the game.
On Gigantic Maso, you can score 53k real easy with an alliance win. EVEN IF YOU'RE STUCK WITH ONLY ABOUT 30% OF THE GALAXY. Bribe bribe bribe. Send one freighter to each race. I
When everyone is close, save it, get your alliance win and check the score. It doesn't take much to get it to 50k. I'm only getting just the culture techs and the science techs and pretty much am just starting to really really culture bomb and I'm at 50k. Don't get discouraged at 25k. It jumps from that score to 50 real quick. Just trade for all the techs you can, get a few more, and check again. Once its there check and see where you are domination wise. If you're still stuck in the corner submit it. Taking the 5-6 hours to finish up is only gonna get you 7 more k. Not worth it. But if you're close, go ahead and culture bomb the rest of the aliens left and take the 60k military win.
Hope this helps.
Don't worry about battleships/Dreads. Usually the aliens will trade em. Or If I get desperate, I'll turn over alot of techs to get em.
Starbases: Only one's I worry about are influence. but Once your economy takes off, you can quickly buy them off the aliens.
I can get about a game or two a day in like this.
(A quick walkthru)
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