It seems a lot of people have trouble with this mission. I haven't played it yet. . . Can you get into diplomatic relations with them, like tech trading etc?
Someone else said that you have to culturally assimilate them.. So just as some general tips...
Start out as populists, do diplomacy +60 as a first pick. Trade all your non - culture techs for all their cash. If you attrit there cash reserves in this manner it should slow their cultural / economic growth. When they are out of cash, start trading for influence points.
As soon as your stars and military is established, go 100% military and have a cultural starbase - o - rama. When you have the neigboring sectors that you have stars in built up with starbases and culture mods, move in to his turf with the same. If there are unclaimed sectors, just sacrifice one constructor to put a starbase there to flip the sector. Be sure to build the logistical wonders to cut down on starbase maintenece costs.
It’s quite easy actually. Only requires a little different strategy then usual. If you take a look around a map you will notice a lot of resources that improve influence. This is a weapon you will use to finish the mission. Just build a few defenders in all colonies and the switch to constructors. Grab all resources you can and watch aliens choke in all those McDonald and Coca Cola commercials.
Oh, yeah, almost forgot to mention. Trading (entire tech tree) is disabled in this mission so avoid unnecessary costs and try to maximise cost to your enemy (Torians will have same money problems as you do). Another trick is to take economy resource that is right outside their main colony and build some defences on it. When they go to war with you (and they often do) they will lose those couple of ships on it and beg for peace afterwards. It will allow you to maximize your influence without need for any combat ships. I passed whole mission with only a couple of defenders.
by Citizen chanbrothers - 1/18/2005 10:55:57 AM
Did you play in on normal setting?? u can't win with just defenders..the torians really attack..
Normal setting. Made a starbase at economic resource right in front of their main colonies (and reinforced it) and got about 50% of influence resources. They would simply declare war on me, attack bases (mostly the economic one), lose their ships and then ask for peace again. All that time I was building constructors and improving bases. I also looked for all "rock" anomalies near their bases/colonies with my survey in order to set some space monsters loose. Didn't have any critical effect but it helped.
This was also the only mission I took pacifists political party.
I was stuck in the same situation a few hours ago. Just beat mission 6 on normal difficulty now.
The trick for me was to change the Terran bonuses to include +2 ship speed and make a rush for what's supposed to be the Torian's fourth world. This evens out the balance of power quite a bit. Shortly after the early-game blitz, I built a starbase in the territory which contains that stolen fourth world and packed it to the teeth with defensive upgrades... the AI on this map went wild over this one starbase and would throw most of its ships away on it. They never attacked any of my core worlds. All in all it's still a very messy level but that start-up play made it much more managable.