What type of starting locations do you look for (ctrl-n)
Do you ctrl-n till you find the starting location that suits you? What do you look for in a starting location?
1, 2 or more 17 or better in starting sector (more base effects on main build sector)
2, close to several sectors with several planets (fast access to planets)
3, near center (to give access to others for trades early)
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by Citizen mwoody - 4/27/2003 2:45:12 PM
With some patience, I've recently had luck just waiting 'till I've had a 26 quality planet in my home sector. Yes, it takes on average 'bout 20 ctrl-n's, but it's very useful on the really hard difficulties. For the game I'm in right now, both Sol IV and one other planet in the sector started at 26!
Now, I _AM_ using luck+50 at start, and while early indicators seem to suggest planet quality is not what that does, if you're unable to repeat these results that might be the reason. Hmmm... I should do some testing on this one; see if I can still do it as the Technologists.
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by Citizen Windscion - 4/28/2003 10:19:01 AM
2) Planets -- I mean, if you're totally isolated, you'll be pathetically weak when you (finally) make contact, and all the A.I.s will feel obligated to crap all over you. Well, FTS. Also, if you have only one decent sector, it's harder to grab resources early, because your constructors are too far way.
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by Citizen LDiCesare - 4/28/2003 12:00:36 PM
I never restart. I get killed quite often because of that, but, heh, that's a challenge.
Even getting 4 stars and none other for 4 sectors around me, I played. I had 3 nice resources in the neighbouring sector.
Then of course, when the UP decided 2 modules on a starbase was a maximum, that screwed me even more...
I am happy if I am not stuck in a corner, and that's about it.
It depends on the size of the map, too. On tiny maps/rare yellow stars, you can be happy with anything but a class 15 Earth.
On bigger, clustered maps, a somewhat central cluster with a few yellow stars nearby is the most interesting.
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I don't know, I think the computer has it out for me. 70% of my starting arrangements have left me with access to 10 planets or less to race for and in 3 situations, I had to start with 3 whole planets until MUCH later in game. I think the game hates me
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I'll usually restart if Earth isn't at least PQ 18, or if a minor race starts in the same sector as Sol. I've never seen another planet in Sol with a PQ higher than 17. Might have to pound on ctrl-n til I get a dual 20+ start position just to see what it's like.
My RNG definitely has a sense of humor. Both games that I played with random alignments had not a single good player (except for myself in the second one, I thought that would be more interesting). In one game on a gigantic map, the 6 resources closest to my starting position were all military. Can you say Excaliburs with 700+ attack ratings? However, every econ resource (my favorite) was on the far opposite end of the map.
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by Citizen BobMayer - 5/8/2003 3:11:20 PM
I play the hand I'm dealt. Honestly, I feel that the opening game is the most exciting part, and dealing with varying starting positions is a lot of fun for me.
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Two n00b questions:
First, what does ctrl-r do in the game? I'm guessing that it just redoes the map but I haven't seen a thing about it in the manual.
Secondly, in reference to resources: when you mine them via starbases, do they only affect things in that sector (like modules do) or does that affect your whole civilization? Thanks ya'll
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Im new but i think its an advantage to start in the corner. Isnt it better that you only have two borders to defend w/sol, which is usually my best planet?
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by Citizen Windscion - 5/9/2003 11:12:29 AM
# of borders doesn't matter.
not getting into war matters -- based on your military rating/trade
trade matters -- central location helps here
trading techs matters -- meet earlier if centrally located
getting access to resources matters.
getting decent planets matters.
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Viandox: True, I like them in the next sector over, maybe two sectors over, though it's not because of trade distance. Having them start in the same sector means too much competition for any other yellow stars in the same sector as Sol.
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by Citizen Brazuca - 5/11/2003 12:11:57 AM
galactic corner filled with yellow star and ffffaaaaaaarrrrrr away from the enemies, oh yeah fully of resources
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