Recession nearly cost me my job (Galactic Overlord)
Someone (I think it was Throngor) mentioned that the AI overvalues trade goods - you can get all sorts of techs and money if you trade for them. I set about destroying the economies of several small nations by sellnig all the trade goods (tiny galaxy, against bright opponents, I think).
Everything was going swimmingly, I had flattened the whole place, had twice the military that the Drengin had. Everyone else had surrendered (to the Drengin ) - but I was powerful enough to have take these newly swapped planets away as soon as they swapped and then force peace again.
So there are 3 planets left in the galaxy not mine, I have large invasion forces near them (but not quite big enough, it turns out!). I have more than 20000bc in my account, the Drengin have -1500 or so.
Then a recession hits. I set off on a short, war to finish the game quickly & diminish my military maintenance costs. Unfortunately I only manage to take one of the 3 planets - the other two are just successful in holding back my troops - a couple of bad rolls on marginal attack rates does that to you.
My economy is hemorrhaging more than 500bc per month, with no spending on anything, but about 300/month in leases.
I can't afford to lose any more Dreadnoughts or I'l slip behind the Drengin in military might.
Several YEARS later, the Drengin have slipped to abot -2000bc & I have -40000. The recession ends.
The best I could do without crippling my morale is +200bc per month so it's going to be another 20 years before I have >0 money and can start buying things again.
Fortunately another minor civ turned up & I could sell them the rights to all my trade goods (they start with all my technologies!). That helped to the tune of about 300 per month for a couple of years and allowed me to drop my tax rate and win an election or two.
The Drengin didn't recover very quickly (It's hard with only two planets) and only had about double my military by the end of the 20 years.
I started churning out AMMs to redress that imbalance and Combat Transports to salve my aching morale but still produce something effective.
Shortly thereafter I decided to end it by allying with the Drengin & it only cost me one technology. I could just as easily have flattened the two remaining planets with AMMs & transports but I hadn't seen an Alliance victory before.
I couldn't believe how long the recession went on for, nor how precisely it targetted my strategy - I was suppressing their economies and sucking money out of them so fast that I could afford huge numbers of leases for ships.
Had I realised how long the recession was going to be I would have bought up big before it started and had a decent warfleet & transport fleet to take the Drengin out in the middle of the recession - then there would have been noone left to pay - stop losing money because you are the only power left in the Galaxy
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