Galactic Civilization

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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
758 votes
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2- No

Awesome conclusion, but a question about relationships...
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by Citizen CatHerder - 5/19/2003 2:29:07 PM

Wow, I just won my first game on a medium map at challenging difficulty. What a game it was! I can't wait to play on painful.

Best point in the game:

Near endgame. Only me, the Arcaens and one minor race left. The Arcaens send me the classic message: "You are militarily weak, now we will spank you." Little did they realize, I had Terror Star tech. and 8 spare constructors sitting next to a starbase that was in a quadrant right next to the majority of their planets. (The sector was culturally owned by me so it didn't set off warning bells. Heh.)

Long story short. Upgrade to full terror star the same turn they declare war. Sail terror star to first planet. Demand ridiculous concessions from them. They laugh. I destroy the planet. Proceed to next planet. En route to next planet, it capitulates voluntarily. Mad evil cackling laughter from Lord Mutron the Savvy. (Me). Proceed to next planet. More ridiculous demands from me. Another refusal from the Arcaens. Another planet vaporized. Two more Arcaen planets surrender whilst the Terror Star is in transit to "visit" them. Arcaens sue for peace. I demand one of their two remaining planets, all their money, influence and any tech I don't yet have.

Then, just because they started it, I vaporized their home planet.

Oh yeah...I also won the game by constructing a second terror star and vaporizing the home planet of the last minor race. They had too many people to consider an invasion. So it goes.


So, my question is this: Before the Arcaens doomed themselves by declaring war on me, our relations were up to warm or friendly. (Whichever is higher.) Without doing anything obvious to provoke them, the relationship deteriorated from that to the point where they declared war in roughly a year. The crazy thing is, I had 8 trade routes established with them and I was theoretically very important to them. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary to alter the relationship as far as I can tell. It seems like it just conveniently slid because the Arcaens thought I was militarily weaker than them and they wanted to let the relationship disintegrate so they could legitimately attack me. Actually, having said all that, I withdraw the question. I bet anything that behavior like this is an inherent part of the Arcaen AI and I just learned something about their temperament. If this is true, then I'm deeply impressed. Thoughts?


#1  by Citizen Joben - 5/19/2003 2:51:29 PM

hmmm thats interesting...were your good/evil ratings very different?

#2  by Citizen CatHerder - 5/19/2003 3:18:01 PM

Both of us neutral.

#3  by Citizen Popup Target - 5/19/2003 6:59:14 PM

In my limited experience, the Arceans tend to only respect those more powerful than they are, and if they've got a military edge, and no other major threats, their relations will deteriorate with you.

BTW, you don't have to take out the minors to win.

#4  by Citizen LDiCesare - 5/20/2003 11:57:16 AM

I think trade doesn't matter enough in keeping good relations.
I had something similar with the Altarians.
When any ai becomes stronger than you, its opinion of you starts deteriorating.

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